#Palau island. 70 years since WWII. 戦後70年を迎えるパラオ。
Today we welcomed President Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. & First Lady Debbie M. Remengesau of #Palau to #Taiwan with full military honors. Thank you for being our steadfast friends & supporting our meaningful participation in international organisations! 🇹🇼🇵🇼
The long-standing friendship between #Taiwan & #Palau is underpinned by a shared commitment to realizing the sustainable development goals. I look forward to working with President Remengesau in delivering more benefits for the people of our nations.
Next Thursday I’ll travel to #Palau, #Nauru, & #MarshallIslands. Bound together by the Pacific Ocean & democratic values, I look forward to celebrating the friendship between #Taiwan & our Austronesian families!
Hello, #Palau! My sincere thanks to President Thomas Remengesau Jr. & First Lady Remengesau for the heartwarming welcome. 🇹🇼🇵🇼 #OceansOfDemocracy
A beautiful welcome by the lovely people of #Palau. It was a wonderful surprise to see a sea of lanterns with the flags of our two countries when I arrived at the hotel. #OceansOfDemocracy
Always a pleasure to brainstorm ideas with like-minded friends. President Remengesau & I had a productive talk about how to promote sustainable development in our region together. #Taiwan & #Palau will sail through any hardship ahead of us & guard our #OceansOfDemocracy.
It is such an honour to gather together with the Members of the #Palau Senate and House of Delegates at this icon of democracy—the Capitol Building. #OceansOfDemocracy
#Taiwan is proud to share its agricultural skills with good friend #Palau & help local children develop healthy eating habits. Those mouthwatering fruits indeed show that Taiwan Technical Mission did a fine job! #OceansOfDemocracy
This is the #US ambassador to #Palau, Amy Hyatt. She came to my banquet as guest of honour. It was wonderful to share #Taiwan’s hard work on ensuring a free & open #IndoPacific. #OceansOfDemocracy
Thank you, President @TommyRemengesau & the people of #Palau. Your warm & generous hospitality made me feel like home over the past few days. #Taiwan will continue to stand with you shoulder to shoulder for the ideas we share. #OceansOfDemocracy
During my #OceansOfDemocracy Presidential Visit, I saw time & time again #Taiwan’s strong partnerships with three of its #Pacific allies: #Palau, #Nauru, & the #MarshallIslands. Here is a video of the three presidents greeting the people of Taiwan!
When the @WHO turns it back on #Taiwan, we choose to persevere & continue to contribute to global health security. It’s heartening to have the support from #Palau’s Health Minister Emai Roberts. #TaiwanCanHelp
Minister of State Faustina Rehuher-Marugg was my guide for much of my visit to #Palau in March. I discovered that like me, she has a passion for her native land & its culture, so it's my pleasure to share the #Taiwan experience with her as we celebrate the nation’s birthday.
Thank you, President @TommyRemengesau for your warm congratulations. I fondly remember my time in #Palau, & I look forward to continuing our countries’ shared initiatives in pursuit of sustainable development & shared prosperity. twitter.com/TommyRemengesa…
Happy to report that tests for #COVID19 on a sample sent to #Taiwan from the first suspected case in #Palau have returned negative. #TaiwanCanHelp safeguard human health, & we are more than willing to work with our allies & partners around the world.
True friends & partners in prosperity never need say thank you, @nuludong. #Taiwan & #Palau share close Austronesian ties & are rock-solid #IndoPacific partners. We'll keep supporting @TommyRemengesau & the government & people in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
#Taiwan is always willing & able to help a true friend like #Palau. Happy to see the testing facility is finished, & the country's #IndoPacific ally led by good friend @TommyRemengesau is ready to do even more to combat #Coronavirus. Together, we can realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
Many thanks @TommyRemengesau for your congratulations. Our shared values make us inseparable partners, and we look forward to continuing our joint projects & strengthening #Taiwan-#Palau relations during my second term. twitter.com/TommyRemengesa…
Watch @TommyRemengesau back Taiwan's bid for meaningful participation in the @UN🇺🇳 system. On behalf of the government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼, we thank the president & #Palau🇵🇼 for the #UNGA support. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs, & we must #LeaveNoOneBehind.
Thank you #Palau President @TommyRemengesau for telling the world that #TaiwanCanHelp in responding to global challenges at #UN75. With your support, we hope to be able to contribute more to the world and work with global partners to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
Congratulations to Surangel Whipps Jr. & J. Uduch Sengebau Senior on your election as president & VP of #Palau. #Taiwan is proud to call your country our ally & looks forward to our further cooperation. With you as our partner, we can build towards a brighter future.
It was a pleasure to speak with Palau President-elect Whipps & VP-elect Senior ahead of their inauguration. I look forward to more #Taiwan-#Palau collaboration, as we continue to work together for the health & welfare of our people.
True friends stand shoulder to shoulder through thick & thin. They also listen to & respect one another. Really looking forward to talking #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Palau🇵🇼 ties with President-elect Whipps. See you soon, my friend. JW theguardian.com/world/2021/jan…
Proud to serve as President @iingwen's special envoy & lead the #Taiwan🇹🇼 delegation to #Palau🇵🇼 for the inauguration of President-elect Whipps & VP-elect Senior. It’s great to be returning to a very special Pacific paradise! JW