#PMAbe #ShizoAbe For 10 years since the Tohoku earthquake, Mr. Abe has continued to return 30% of his salary for reconstruction. It amounted to nearly 100M yen, but he never made it public. In 2020, his last year as PM, he worked 147 days without a day off till his resignation. twitter.com/sachimiriho/st…
「日本与党の指導者・故安倍総理を慕う国民の声。声なき多数派が彼を失い語り始めた。死後も彼を貶める騒がしい少数派の声よりも、こちらに耳を傾けて。」 世界から安倍さんの功績を称える追悼ツイートが流れてきます。報道されないならタグ付きで呟きませんか?日本語でも大丈夫。 #PMAbe #ShinzoAbe twitter.com/kotamama318/st…
Speech control in Japan The media hides the SDF's achievements. As with the Olympics broadcast, the appearance of the SDF was ignored or cut at the funeral of #PMAbe. They do not use the words assassination and terrorism. The headlines of major newspapers were unified. #ShinzoAbe twitter.com/kohyu1952/stat…
安倍総理国葬アンケートにご協力ください。 組織的な反対票に対抗したいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 #PMAbe #IndiaJapan #TaiwanJapan twitter.com/HANADA_asuka/s…