Congrats for "Grand Blue" version will be released on 1/26 worldwide. Theme song <Dream With You!> is the first English song we made for <Punishing: Gray Raven>. Don't forget to hear it when summer has comes to! @PGR_GLOBAL youtube.com/watch?v=y_uq2j… #PGR #punishinggrayraven
"Kowloong Metropolis" will be release in 12/22 on global server. Yes, it's a big update, and also the theme music we made for #PGR inbound. 2 days remains, get ready commandants! Enjoy 'HIKARI' on YouTube. Let's gooooo! youtube.com/watch?v=6wDr3S… #punishinggrayraven @PGR_GLOBAL
I'm not the best artist but I tried... drawn using my phone and my fingers. It was very difficult but I enjoyed it! (Lucia Alpha from Punishing Gray Raven) @PGR_GLOBAL #PunishingGrayRaven #PGR #パニグレ