Want to boogie along with your favorite Persona characters? Once #P3D/#P5D launches on Dec 4, you'll be able to use Choreography Mode and Perfect Mode to get a better look at the sweet moves they're throwing down!
Fans in the Orange County area, come celebrate the upcoming #P3D/#P5D launch with us at Honey & Butter at the Irvine Spectrum on Nov 24! We'll have custom macarons, pictures with Morgana, and merchandise for sale. For event details: sega.vg/Fh9C30mEcgN
Yukari and Mitsuru showing their true power! Who is your ultimate #P3D dance duo?
Fuuka and Ken are the sweetest dancers with the sweetest moves... Ok, we can't watch this anymore we're getting cavities. #P3D
👏LITERALLY 👏 DANCING 👏 IN 👏 MOONLIGHT 👏 Only 2 weeks until you can get yourself on the dance floor! Pre-order #P3D/#P5D now to get down as soon as the game drops on 12/4 atlus.com/personadancing/
#P3D and #P5D both have some fan favorite options covered. You can enjoy the games with English or Japanese audio, and even change the scratch action to the L1/R1 button to give your thumbs some rest.
Our #P3D #P5D event is in full swing at Honey & Butter Macarons in Irvine!
Why are the SEES members in this strange place? It'll all be explained on December 4th! #P3D
Feeling social? #P3D and #P5D have social modes where you can chat up your favorite characters. Who are you most excited to hang out with?
Just one week left until #P3D and #P5D launches! Don't forget that PS4 pre-orders / Day One Editions come with Goro Akechi for P5D, Shinjiro Aragaki for P3D, or get both in the Endless Night Collection! atlus.com/personadancing/
Just five days left until #P3D and #P5D launch in the West! Pre-order or pick up a Day One Edition of the Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection to get both games PLUS Persona 4: Dancing All Night for PS4, as well as Shinjiro and Akechi for free! sega.vg/Ice330mNbNB
That awkward moment when your charisma isn't maxed on July 24th... Only 5 days left until you can pair up with your favorites on the dance floor! #P3D
With the launch of #P3D/#P5D tomorrow, we have some answers to your questions regarding DLC. Check out the details and dates here: sega.vg/v0rW30mQAaG
We all have that one song that we love to play on repeat until we ace it. Which #P3D/#P5D song are you most determined to King Crazy?
This animation has us ready to Light the Fire Up in the Night! We're ready to get all those King Crazys! #P3D
For all those people who checked your attitude at the door... We didn't mean give it all to the P3 Protagonist. #P3D
Don't mess with him! Even while dancing, Akihiko expresses extreme power! #P3D
In the Persona Dancing series, not only does each character have a unique dance style to match their personality, each game also pulls dance move inspirations from how they summon their personas! #P3D
【4/1まで!】PS StoreにてSpring Sale開催中!いまなら「ペルソナ3 ダンシング・ムーンナイト」と「ペルソナ5 ダンシング・スターナイト」が期間限定でお買い得! PS Plus会員なら、PS4/PS Vitaともになんと50%OFF! #P3D #P5D store.playstation.com/ja-jp/home/gam…
ついに公開☆ ペルソナダンサーズ & Lotus Juice + DJ WAKA 北米版P3D・P5D PVショートver!! 振り付け&ダンサーさせて頂きましたー(^^) そして今週はついに! 24日、25日の両国国技館ライブ!! お楽しみに☆ #P3D #P5D #PSS2019 #ペルライ m.youtube.com/watch?v=V42kSa…
#新作情報 】 『ペルソナ ダンシング』からP3D、P4D、P5Dをイメージした簪が新登場!! ミラーボールが煌びやかに輝く、スタイリッシュなデザインを要チェック! buff.ly/2W3Lexn #wargo #簪 #P3D #P4D #P5D
PSS2019のタイミングで公開したダンス映像のフルバージョンが公開となりました!是非、お楽しみください!!! #P3D #P5D #ペルソナダンサーズ twitter.com/Atlus_West/sta…
『ペルソナ3ダンシングムーンナイト&ペルソナ5ダンシングスターナイト』サウンドトラック発売決定!!それぞれのオープニング曲のフルバージョンをはじめ、『行くぜ!不死鳥戦隊フェザーマン』などのDLC楽曲を収録したCD2枚組を予定しています!! #P3D #P5D
【アトラスDショップ】『ペルソナ3 ダンシング・ムーンナイト(P3D)』と『ペルソナ5 ダンシング・スターナイト(P5D)』のサントラ発売決定。初回生産限定盤はアトラスDショップ限定アクリルパネル付き! ebten.jp/atlus/p/701502… #P5D #P3D #ペルソナ
ペルソナダンシング 『P3D』&『P5D』 サウンドトラックが6月24日に発売決定! 初回限定生産「ADVANCED CD COLLECTOR’S BOX」には音楽イベント「Persona Show Case -史上最強の姉妹ゲンカ-」の映像を収録したBlu-rayが同梱! | ペルソナチャンネル p-ch.jp/news/5765/ #P3D #P5D