P1Harmony's official and global fan community, P1Harmony Weverse is now open!🎉 Stay tuned for exciting contents and the members' daily updates on #P1HarmonyWeverse ! Give messages of cheer and support for P1Harmony!🙌 Download #Weverse👉 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/11543e2
P1Harmonyのグローバル公式ファンコミュニティ、 #P1HarmonyWeverse がオープン🎉 お楽しみいただける盛りだくさんのコンテンツなどを、 ぜひお楽しみに! ファンの皆様とハーモニーを作っていく、これからの活動にご声援をお願いします。🙌 アプリダウンロードはこちら👉 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/11543e2
📣#P1HarmonyWeverse Opening Celebration #P1Harmony_PLUS1 Event Are you thrilled to become a new fan of P1Harmony? Create posts of excitement and support for P1Harmony with the hashtag #P1Harmony_PLUS1 💌 for a chance to get a special prize!🎁 ▶️weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/e3f7933b