🐑: Good luck on the tournament, I hope you’ll do really well ☯️:Thank u, ありがとうね、聞いてくれて. Thank u for coming 🐑:ありがとう、uh good luck uh, がんばり、um, がんばります, um, um, がんーがんばって? ☯️:Yeah exactly, がんばって 🐑: *chuckles* Sorry #Ovideos
(talking about dark Uki's name) 🔮 Everyone's saying Iku 🎭: iku... IKUUU 🔗: Alban? ALBAN. 🐑: You know what you're doing 🎭: No, it's the name~ 🎭: Sir, I'm pure and innocent sure tenchou if you say so #Ukilipse #Ovideos #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🐑: 🖋️ overthinks things, he takes a long time to kill. He's really good at being detective. -- 👹: He has this like discord gaslighter voice which is like "Ughhh.. fine..." -- 🖋️: *gets accused and does exactly what 👹said he does lmao* #VoxPopuLive #SliceOfIke #Ovideos
🎭: sup b*tch 🔗: Who's a b*tch? 🎭: er-fulgur! I'm sowrry🥺 🎭: Put the blame on me 🔗: I do blame you 🎭: TSKR, thank you 대장 한마디에 꼬리내리는 알바냥 #Knoxclips #Brisklips #Ovideos #Ukilipse
debut🔗: thank you mama for giving me such a beautiful body, how about we take a closer look. 🔗: let's take a closer look at my body 🎭: emmm yes please 🐑: take off the jacket big boy #Brisklips #Ovideos #Knoxclips
好きなものを楽しむことは中毒なのかという哲学(??????) #ShuClip #ShuClipJP #PetraOnAir #ReimuLive #Ovideos #NoxStream
🔗:don’t jump the car 🐏:okay,don’t jump the car 🔗:don’t jump it,don’t shoot it 🎭:I wanna jump🥺 shine😻✨ 🔗:NYO!STOP!! 🔗/🐏:ALBAN!!!!!!! 🔗:I told u 🎭:😳 shine xN😻 ✨ ✨ ✨ Albannya is soooooo cute🥹 #Brisklips #KnoxClips #Ovideos
🎭:Whats the password? 🔮:Let me in or else I’ll fuckin kill u 🎭:Ok get inside 🐑:Nah that doesnt sound too serious *🔮fighting zombies* 🐑:Get in🔮! 🔮:Now u care 🐑:I dont want u to die, I just want u to get angry. Angry🔮sexy #Ovideos #ukilipse #Knoxclips #Brisklips
*🐑fighting zombies* 🎭:Dont die 🐑:I’ll never die, I have Noctyx with me 🎭:U got the power of Noctyx and anime 🐑: Exactly. And my waifu, Uki Violeta #Ovideos #ukilipse #knoxclips
*singing to Tik Tok by Kesha* 🎭: Dont stop ~ Make it pop ~ 🔗: Tonight, I’m so white 🐑🔮🎭 : … what? *dies laughing* 🔗: It’s the whitest song in the fucking world #Brisklips #KnoxClips #Ovideos #Ukilipse
🔗:can I coming inside 🎭/🐏:what is the secret password 🔗:ummmm 🔮:pass cordword 😂 🔗:the password…is Noctyx Forever #SonnyLive #Brisklips #AlbanLive #KnoxClips #Ukilipse #UkiLive #Ovideos #FulgurOvidHere #Noctyx
Lemme do it for you, Kermiee~~~ #Ovideos #ReimuLive #Noxstream #ShuClip #PetraOnAir
Sage: U will not kill my allies 🐑: I will kill ur allies ⭐️: Is that ur anime girl voice? 🐑: No~ My anime girl voice is “nico nico nii~~” 👻: Eee dont do that ever again #Ovideos #ReimuLive #Noxstream
🪄 and 🐑 doing their sexy voice www #Millieseconds #Ovideos
🐑:Damn Comfydants, u should be fully dressed what are u doin? 🐑:U know what u get comfydants *takes out🔫asset* 🐑:Do the thing Comfydants:Baa 🐑:Good, u live for today, good job. Ok here u go *pets comfydants* 🐑:I’ll polish ur horn. There u go, thats some cute sheep #Ovideos
🌧:Comment say🐑nickname is Fuuchan 🐑:Fuuchan, yeahh 🌧:So cute! Fuu say meow meow? 🐑:🎭is meow meow 🌧:No, u number 2 meow meow 🎭:🐑 say meow meow 🐑: Meow meow 🌧:No1 is 🎭 ok? 🐑:Yup, 🎭 is meow meow #nagilive #Ovideos #KnoxClips
浮奇くんのことが大好き過ぎるアルバーンくん(意訳) #KnoxClips #Ovideos #Ukilipse
🐑: 🔮,come to me 🎭: No! not him 🔮. Me! Me!! 🔮 dont look at him, look at me! 🐑: 🎭 come to me 🎭: 🔮 please come back! He cant love u like I can 🐑: But I can throw him! *they died* 🔮: Good thing the checkpoint is right here #KnoxClips #Ovideos #Ukilipse
🎭:🐑, its a crime to have a waist that small, bij 🐑:No its not 🔮:Mmm mmm mmmmmm 🐑:A waist that small for a reason, for men to grab it 🔮:Yeah, for me to grab it #KnoxClips #Ukilipse #Ovideos
NIJI ENンコダイスのココスキまとめ(意訳) #PomuLive #PenCast #SliceOfIke #Ovideos #ZottoClips #VoxPopuLIVE #ReimuLive #Doppameme
*🐑trolling* 🔮:Now we have to do this all over 🐑:Worth it. I just dont want this game to end 🔮:Thats fine. More time to spend with u 🐑:More time to spend together 🔮:So thats what u’re trying to do 🐑:We’ll be here forever 🔮:Yeah I love u too *🐑🔮 kiss* #ukilipse #Ovideos
🐑: It’s ok, it’s just a little branding iron, it’s still good 🔮: The only branding I want to be is to be done by you 🐑: Oh~ I didn’t know you were into that 🔮: You know if it’s you, I’m willing to try anything 🐑: I feel the same way #Ukilipse #Ovideos
🐑: Eh~ *dies* *🔮🐑 laughs* 🐑: It was just like “eh” *does it again* 🔮: That was so funny. Its the way u just drop down so fast at immediate #Ukilipse #Ovideos
🐑: Ok, goodbye everybody. Byebye, byebyee, byebyeeeeeeeee~~~ 🔮: … 🔮: Are u gone? 🔮: … 🔮: I think he is… he’s not moving.. ok 🐑: BYEBYEEEEEEE 🔮: OMG, faqin.. omg 🐑in chat : lmao 🔮: This is the man I’m in love with #PsyBorg #Ukilipse #Ovideos
🪄 taking the pizza from the delivery guy(lmao gee i wONDeR whO tHe dELivEry gUY iS) youtube.com/watch?v=pNjbSf… #Millieseconds #Ovideos