DAY 2 #OtherPeopleChallenge On set today shooting a music video, happy i didn’t get all my white clothes dirty LOL and finally wore my @acoldwall x @Nike #af1 for the first time! I love shoes.... yes this is also an #ootd photo 🥰
DAY 3 #OtherPeopleChallenge Got my fav matcha latte with almond milk! PINKY UP!! Whats your favorite drink?
DAY 4 #OtherPeopleChallenge Had a rough day at the vet but at least we got a new sling bag for JackJack!
DAY 5 #OtherPeopleChallenge I had a long night and had little sleep but i was really happy to start of my day with the Just Kidding Crew for Just Kidding News 🥰 Also reunited with TEAM NIFTIER!! It’s always chaotic bliss :) Now llama will take a nap!!!!
DAY 6 #OtherPeopleChallenge @sorahyang bought me TWO CUCUMBER SALADS!! not one… TWO!!!! CUCUMBER IS AWESOME!!!
DAY 7 #OtherPeopleChallenge [FINAL DAY] I forgot my wallet at home (which i never do) but @travisatreo saved me! Spent the day in the studio doing what i love the most 💜 plus i can finally post the cute pics of me and @arden_cho 🙃 (I FORGOT TO POST ON TWITTER MY B!!)