#ONEPIECE1079 Best Chapter of the Year So far🔥
#ONEPIECE1079 dsl j’vous spoil le prochain antagoniste, c’était plus fort que moi
#ONEPIECE1079 SUMMARY OF ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1079🔥 ▪︎ Thanks to @Mugiwara_23
#ONEPIECE1079 Leaked Photo of Shanks "Divine Departure" and One-Shot Eustass Kidd 🔥 Image © Shueisha Inc.
#ONEPIECE1079 Leaked Photo of Knocked Out Eustass Kid and Killer (coughing blood)🔥 Source: @OPSCANS Image © Shueisha Inc.
#ONEPIECE1079 Kidd Pirates begged Shanks to spare Kidd's life
#ONEPIECE1079 These Shanks Scenes 🥶🥶🔥
#ONEPIECE1079 #ONEPIECE1044 PEAKKKKK!!!!🔥 Luffy's Gear 5 and Shanks "Divine Departure" ▪︎ Both chapters' official release date is in the last week of March. Chapter 1044 was on March 28, 2022 (JST), while Chapter 1079 is on this coming March 27, 2023 (JST).
C'est ça qu'on attend d'un empereur #ONEPIECE1079 Merci Oda 🙏
#ONEPIECE1079 Shanks has a "Future Sight Observation Haki" and at the same time, he is a "Killer of Observation Haki" too??? Man, he is so OP 🥶😭....
#ONEPIECE1079 About Shanks in One Piece Chapter 1079! ▪︎ From Reddit User, Sky_Paladin
#ONEPIECE1079 #ONEPIECE This Picture! 😭🔥
#ONEPIECE1079 "He" SINGLE-HANDEDLY defeated the Captain and the Vice-Captain of Kidd Pirates in just One-Shot. Shanks is "Him".
雨よ上がれっ!☀️ #ONEPIECE1079
#ONEPIECE1079 Fan Animation of Shanks "Divine Departure"🔥
Shanks' attack Devine Departure is written as 神避 (Kamusari) in JP chapter, which means *death of god*. It's based on the ancient JP records called Kojiki 1300 years ago. Maybe Oda is implying Shanks and Roger share the will to defeat *god* aka Celestial Dragons💪 #ONEPIECE1079
#ONEPIECE1079 Everytime Oda is drawing a Knock-Out (K.O.) Characters, their eyes are in "white" color including when Luffy was K.O. many times by Kaido. Except in Chapter 1043, when Momo can't hear Luffy's voice and his heartbeat stopped. Luffy's eyes have "shading/line". ⤵️
#ONEPIECE1079 Uzumaki Khan Reaction on Shanks Vs. Kidd😂
#ONEPIECE1079 #ONEPIECE1056 "Yeah Kidd, they are stronger than what you expected..."