Dear Detectives, the Novelist, deemed lord amongst men, empowered by the energy around him seeks only the great. Check out the Season 19 Essence 1!🤴 #IdentityV #Novelist #Season19
Dear Detectives... he ponders on the meaning of life as if bound by its pre-written storyline... players who have completed the main storyline will be able to participate in tomorrow's event! 📖🤔 #IdentityV #Novelist
Dear Detectives, he struts in with his notebook in hand, rewriting our histories with his pen. "Orpheus" as he is known, a novelist in the wings, whose past is a mystery he has shown! Meet the Novelist!📖🪶 #IdentityV #Novelist
Dear Detectives, do not let his calm demeanor fool you for he can turn into your worst "Nightmare"! So, run, run as far as you can and don't look back!🏃‍♀️ #IdentityV #Novelist #Nightmare #LittleGirl
Dear Detectives... As he recounts his childhood, he walks through a horrid past, dazed in a trance. Uncover the truth behind the mystery man!😵 #IdentityV #Novelist #Background
Dear Detectives, His bottle holds the essence of his fabulous stories. Will you be the one to unlock the Novelist’s truths? It’s his Birthday today! We hope the Novelist will be granted immense strength and utmost power today! #IdentityV #Novelist #Birthday
Dear Detectives, as the saying goes, there are always two sides to a coin... it'll be hard to find that perfect balance. The constant struggle for power within, the Novelist and "Nightmare" who will prevail?⚖️ #IdentityV #Novelist #Nightmare
Dear Detectives, our dreams may not be the reality we seek. Demons from the past continue to haunt us as we long for that beautiful salvation. We look back on memories forever bittersweet.🌦 #IdentityV #Novelist
Dear Detectives, the Novelist arrives with little to prove but mystery shrouds his existence... Where did he come from? Who is he? Check out the Novelist's gameplay!📒✍️ #IdentityV #Novelist #Gameplay
Dear Detectives, he's cool, he's suave but no one knows his past! Check out the Novelist's angled profiles as you attempt to uncover the truth behind his existence!✍️ #IdentityV #Novelist #Profile