みてるぞおおおおおおおお #SonnyLive #Noctyx_VTuberDebut
【🔴LIVE NOW】 Glimpse Into The Future ★「Noctyx」 NIJISANJI EN VTuber Debut Program hosted by @ReimuEndou & @ike_eveland! 🔗 youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc #Noctyx_VTuberDebut​​ #NIJISANJI_EN​​ #NIJISANJI
Starting in 10 mins! Glimpse Into The Future ★「Noctyx」 NIJISANJI EN VTuber Debut Program hosted by Reimu & Ike! Catch #Noctyx's debut special live stream relay on the #NIJISANJI English Official YouTube channel. 🔻Waiting room youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc #Noctyx_VTuberDebut
JUST A FEW MORE HOURS LEFT i wonder if we can get #Noctyx_VTuberDebut trending today 😊
Today there is a specially sunny night… it might be something from the future. #Briskart #Noctyx_VTuberDebut
It's almost time for #Noctyx to debut! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…
IM JITTERING WITH EXCITEMENT! Tomorrow's the big day! I hope you'll all come to cheer us all on as Noctyx debuts 😊 Don't forget to use #Noctyx_VTuberDebut to talk about our debuts in real time! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO LETS GET EXCITED!!! IKZZZZZZZZZZ
Are you ready for #Noctyx? Just ONE day to go! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
Almost there! Just TWO days to go! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
We're half-way through! Just THREE days to go! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
Keep calm, the countdown is on! FOUR days to go! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
Here comes #Noctyx! FIVE days to go! 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
NIJISANJI ENから5人組VTuber「#Noctyx」デビュー MATZが楽曲プロデュース kai-you.net/article/82916 2月27日のデビュー特別番組には遠藤霊夢さんとアイク・イーヴランドさんが参加🔥 #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #にじさんじ #NIJISANJI_EN
#Noctyx debut song "Stuck In The Abyss" written and produced by @_M_A_T_Z_ 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/ySSUTOGO-3M 🕚 Feb 27, 2 PM JST | 5 AM GMT | Feb 26, 9 PM PST #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI_EN
Catch the debut special program! 🔻Debut program: youtu.be/Ensyl_-ftkc 🕚 Feb 27, 11 AM JST | 2 AM GMT | Feb 26, 6 PM PST #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
【Noctyx VTuber Debut Announcement】 Please welcome #NIJISANJI_EN 5th wave VTuber group "Noctyx”! 🔻Meet the members: @alban_knox, @Yugo_Asuma, @Fulgur_Ovid, @sonny_brisko and @uki_violeta 🔻Debut teaser: youtu.be/dvL-APnqP4Y #Noctyx_VTuberDebut #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN