Thank you everyone who came out to see us today!!🥳 It was so nice seeing and talking to the real fleshy humans behind all the support we've been getting online I love you all very much☺️ ついて来いよ… #NoctyxImpulse
This was one of my favourite days of all time. Thank you all for everything today. From the meet and greets to the Q and A I had a blast. I'm so full of love right now. I hope you all have a wonderful night and thank you for this wonderful community we've created #NoctyxImpulse
Thank you guys so much for coming to the Q&A, we loved hearing your questions and the interactions were amazing 🥹🧡🧡🧡 #NoctyxImpulse
I don't know how comfy people would be with me RTing their real faces on the timeline so I'll opt for liking, but this was insane. You guys touched me more than anything ever has, and the day isn't even over yet. Thank you so much, and the Q&A is still to come!🧡 #NoctyxImpulse
If you're at Anime Impulse feel free to share any photos or stories from the event on the hashtag #NoctyxImpulse. We can't wait to see all of you enjoying yourselves. Currently Noctyx are in our booths and waiting to see you all!
Uki peaking!!!!!! #NoctyxImpulse
If you're at the con, let us see your experience! Use #NoctyxImpulse and we'd love to see!! 🥰
this panel was an absolute joy to witness 🧡❤️💜💛 #NoctyxImpulse #AlbanKnoxArt #Artchivist #VioletAtelier #Briskart
stuck in the abyss! 🔗: ついて来いよ 🔗: holy shit i’m so cool #ANIMEImpulse2023 #NoctyxImpulse