We don’t expect anyone to fight our battle for us. Just give us #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar. We will fight SAC on our own!
SAC military is using tanks and helicopters against the population of Demoso, Karenni (Kayah) state. We need #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar to protect the civilian population from indiscriminate heavy fire of SAC. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May23Coup
Myanmar military junta is now using fighter jets to target its own population. The video from Kachin Waves' facebook page show fighter jets bombing today near Moemauk township in Kachin state. Why couldn't United Nations Security Council consider #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar? @USAmbUN
The #Myanmar junta launched a brutal attack in Demoso, Kayah State after residents defended themselves. The junta has been terrorizing people for months simply for wanting democracy. Find out more: youtube.com/watch?v=4HmsmJ… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar #May31Coup
There are concrete actions international community can take to help the people of Myanmar. - recognize and engage @NUGMyanmar - impose #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar - impose #GlobalArmsEmbargo - impose #JetFuelEmbargo - impose sanctions against all military-linked businesses.
We need #GlobalArmsEmbargo and #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar. Just because there is no media coverage does not mean people are living in peace. SAC has been waging war in Chin and Kayah states as well as in some areas in Bamar regions. We need international pressure!
The time for urgent intervention is now! Impose #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar before more civilian lives are lost to SAC’s cruel acts of #CrimesAgainstHumanity.
SAC military is using helicopters to shoot at civilian villages. They are also burning down people’s houses. More #CrimesAgainstsHumanity everyday. We need #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar.
We have seen SAC military burning down civilian villages as as collective punishment to resisting their rule. The world should not sit idly and let impunity continues for their #CrimesAgainstHumanity. We need #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar.
Myanmar refuses to surrender to the Russia / China backed ultra violent junta, which has killed more than 790 people. Thousands nationwide continue to protest. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance #May16Coup #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar #HumansAreNotShields youtube.com/watch?v=CueCSG…
Save people’s lives. End impunity of SAC. We need #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar.
SAC military bombing Loikaw city Where is #R2P? Where is #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar? Please diplomats, please. (And you should be ashamed @PeacePalaceKH) Videos credit: Kyaw Nay Tun
According to news outlets, SAC military is bombing the city of Loikaw. This is totally unacceptable and we need #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar now!!! Bombing a major capital city should alarm everybody. Where is #R2P?
Students’ Unions in Myanmar has requested United Nations @UN and UN Security Council to impose #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar.