The SAC is conducting air strikes against civilian villages. It’s not ok! The international community needs to impose either #NoFlyZone or #JetFuelEmbargo. No action is not acceptable! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
If the international community can’t agree upon a #NoFlyZone, at least consider an embargo on jet fuels. The SAC is using helicopters and fighter jets to target civilian villages in ethnic areas. The blood is on everyone’s hands who sell jet fuels to SAC. #ImposeJetFuelEmbargo!
We, Myanmar people, ask for #NoFlyZone over Karen state’s LayKaeKaw area. It’s time UN Security Council takes up their responsibility to protect the lives of civilians.
It's not Chess, its poker .. Its time to call Putlers bluff .. #NoFlyZone #StandForUkraine…
@USAmbUN Thank you, Ambassador. Please consider raising a motion in UNSC to impose #NoFlyZone. 🙏The military SAC is using helicopters and fighter jets to target civilian villages in ethnic areas, which is totally barbaric and unacceptable.
Regardless the price of Putin's fuel today - the inescapable salient fact remains - Winter is but 5 months away .. #NoFlyZone 🇺🇦 #StopRussiaNOW 🛑