4月16日 #纽约时代广场 32天的思念 七哥在受难。 如果不是他承受这一切,受难的就是我们。 “爹,儿愿付出一切,必将共匪消灭,来生再见”。 每次听到这句,泪水汹涌。 #HimalayaDC #NewYork #华盛顿DC农场 gettr.com/post/p2enmq767…
Our 10-day visit to allies #Guatemala & #Belize, and our stops in #NewYork & #LosAngeles, would not have been possible without the hard work of our overseas community & representatives. Thank you all for bringing #Taiwan to the world.
On day 2 in #NewYork, I met with @lisachengsmith and Lillian Lin, founders of @yunhaishop, a store that sells #MadeInTaiwan products like Tatung electric pots. When China banned Taiwan pineapple imports, they raised funds to sell the dried fruit in the #US to support our farmers.
To all our #NewYork friends & #EastCoast friends, I'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment & share your support for #Taiwan🇹🇼!
Delighted to be received in #NewYork by our good friends AIT Chair @BoardChairAIT & Rep @bikhim. On top of that, the enthusiastic welcome from so many members of the #TaiwaneseAmerican community made my day & is a sure sign of good things to come for the rest of this trip.
Why do we allow this in the #US? While we are still busy dealing with the #ChineseSpyBalloon, the #CCP’s Consulate General in #NewYork is busy organizing people to have their bloody red flag fly on #American soil. This is a pro CCP parade today in the jenniferzengblog.com/home/2023/2/12…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
What a shame! You think the #CCP only invades #US with #ChineseSpyBalloon? Look at this pro CCP parade in the #Chinatown in #NYC today(Feb 12). #HuangPing 黄屏, the CCP’s Consul General in #NewYork was the first to speak. See the #XiJinping/ #WinniethePooh shaking his red flag so… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
On my way to #NewYork! #YOSHIKI shorturl.at/eFHV1 RT@YahooEnt @Yahoo @LAST_ROCKSTARS #YahooNEWS "Yoshiki, glam-rocker responsible for 'changing Japan's culture,' eyes U.S. stardom with supergroup #TheLastRockstars: 'It's kind of cool to break some kind of boundary again'
#NewYork’ta ABD’deki Suriye diasporasının temsilcileriyle görüştük. 2254 sayılı BM Güvenlik Konseyi Kararı uyarınca siyasi sürece desteğimizi yineledik. Met w/representatives of #Syrian diaspora in NYC. Reiterated our support to political process in line with UNSC Res. 2254.
#NewYork’ta #ABD’deki Müslüman toplumunun temsilcileriyle #Türkevi’mizde biraraya geldik. Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımız @RTErdogan’ın selamlarını ilettik. Met with representatives of Muslim community living in #USA at TurkishHouse, NewYork. Conveyed best wishes of President @RTErdogan.
#NewYork’ta BM Genel Kurul Başkanı Csaba Kőrösi ile Sayın @EmineErdogan Hanımefendi’nin öncülüğünde başlattığımız #SıfırAtık girişimimizi ele aldık. Met w/@Csaba_Korosi_ of @UN_PGA & discussed Zero Waste initiative we started under the leadership of H.E.@EmineErdogan. 🇹🇷🇺🇳
#NewYork’taki programımıza, #ABD ve #Kanada’daki Başkonsoloslarımızla biraraya gelerek başladık. Yurtdışında yaşayan vatandaşlarımıza verdiğimiz desteği daha da geliştirmek için neler yapabileceğimizi değerlendirdik. Dünyanın her yerinde vatandaşlarımızın yanındayız. 🇹🇷
2023-2024カレンダー、 直筆サイン付きは、15日までのご応募です! ご応募はこちらから↓ asmart.jp/shop/shouma_ka… #アザーカット #NewYork #ogataphoto photo by @ogata_photo
A fruitful #NewYork visit. Chaired UNSC Ministerial meetings on Reformed Multilateralism&Counter Terrorism. Joined unveiling of bust of Bapu at UN premises. Launched Group of Friends for UN Peacekeepers. Hosted a ‘millet lunch’. Bilaterals with 🇮🇪🇦🇲🇯🇵🇵🇱🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇪,🇺🇳 SG &PGA.
[BEHIND] '2022 KOREA-U.S. SMEs go TOGETHER' 비하인드 Naver Post ▶ naver.me/GSUUcd97 #CIX #씨아이엑스 #BX #승훈 #배진영 #용희 #현석 #SMEsgoTOGETHER #NewYork
미국에 어제 도착했는데 인사가 하루 늦었네요.^^ 뉴욕 공항에서부터 배웅해 주시고 호텔에서 깜짝 선물들 감사합니다. 뉴욕 팬분들을 위해서 열심히 공연 준비했으니 뉴욕의 BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center에서 5시에 봅시다. #NewYork #henecia #KIMHYUNJOONG #김현중 #キムヒョンジュン
[Gratitude🔥] "BAND-MAID US TOUR 2022" at Irving Plaza in New York has ended. Thank you for coming!! Next show will be at Paradise Rock Club in Borton on October 29. bandmaid.tokyo/contents/486225 #bandmaid #bmustour #NewYork
미국 공연 가기 전 아트매틱이와 놀러 왔어요. 미국 헤네치아 빨리 보고 싶네요~!!^^ Henecia in the U.S! See you soon! #NewYork #LasVegas #LA #henecia #KIMHYUNJOONG #김현중 #キムヒョンジュン #金賢重 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I am just wondering why, when the #CCP is even banning #Chirstmas in #CCPChina, as it is a Western festival, we are allowing CCP lovers to celebrate the CCP's "National Day" in #NewYork. It's high time we adopt reciprocal policies when dealing with the CCP.
[#석화] 해리포터는 안봤지만 너무 잘 즐기는 E🫢 #NewYork #HarryPotter
Günün ardından #NewYork After the day #UNGA #UNGA77 Sahada ve Masada Güçlü, Girişimci ve İnsani Diplomasi🇹🇷
Günün ardından #NewYork After the day #UNGA #UNGA77 Sahada ve Masada Güçlü, Girişimci ve İnsani Diplomasi🇹🇷
[기사] CIX, '2022 KOREA-U.S. SMEs go TOGETHER' 참석..뉴욕 팬 만나 글로벌 소통 (출처 : 헤럴드POP | 네이버 TV연예) ▶️ naver.me/50oVWDtJ #CIX #씨아이엑스 #BX #승훈 #배진영 #용희 #현석 #SMEsgoTOGETHER #NewYork
Günün ardından #NewYork After the day #UNGA #UNGA77 Sahada ve Masada Güçlü, Girişimci ve İnsani Diplomasi🇹🇷