It is an old tradition that we go show respect to the dead in the spring, we call it "Tomb Sweeping Day" However, now in #NewNormal Hong Kong, even going to pay respect to the dead is a criminal offense. And if a reporter goes report about it, it may amount to seditions!
최ㅈㅇ·이ㅇㅁ·최민호 '뉴 노멀' 66회 런던국제영화제 초청 '영화 #뉴노멀 은 제66회 런던국제영화제 공식 초청 받아, 최민호의 예상을 뛰어넘는 파격적인 연기 변신, 내달 15일 16일 양일간 3회에 걸쳐 전 세계 관객을 대상으로 상영예정' #민호 #minho #최민호 #NewNormal
#ChoiMinho new film '#NewNormal' will be having its premiere as closing film at BIFAN 2022 closing ceremony today, wishing all the best for the cast, director and film to get lot of attention, support and hit big! our actor Minho we’re so proud of you!!💙
#CHOIMINHO attends the 26th BIFAN as a lead actor in the closing film of the festival, ‘New Normal’!  “‘#NewNormal’ is a movie made with episodes that everyone can relate to, so please look forward to the film”, the actor said, greeting the audience.  #최민호  #뉴노멀 #BIFAN
Actor #ChoiMinho walking the red carpet at the 26th BIFAN Opening Ceremony today for his upcoming new horror film #NewNormal #뉴노멀 that was chosen as closing screening film later this month July 17th #Minho #민호 #SHINee #MINHOatBIFAN
220707 26th BIFAN Opening Ceremony Red Carpet OUR BEST ACTOR CHOI MINHO !!!!!!!! #Minho #민호 #SHINee #MINHOatBIFAN #NewNormal #뉴노멀 #ChoiMinho
can’t wait to watch and meet Hoon finally !!! ‘New Normal’ will be closing film of the 26th #BIFAN2022 Film Festival online and cinemas from July 7th until 17th in Bucheon @SHINee please promote Minho well he worked so hard ! #ChoiMinho #Minho #최민호 #민호 #NewNormal #뉴노멀
Standard Chartered is offering its 6,000 staff in Hong Kong special training sessions to ensure they do not fall foul of the National Security Law. #NewNormal #NSL…
#BEYOOOOONDS 2021年3月3日発売ニューシングル 「Now Now Ningen」のミュージックビデオを、 YouTube BEYOOOOONDSチャンネルにて公開中!! #ハロプロ #Helloproject #NNN #NewNormal #謎のロボット🤖
2020秋号の表紙画についての香取慎吾さんの youtube アークトート。試行錯誤を楽しもう、という香取さんのスタンス。週刊文春WOMANもそんな雑誌でありたいと思う今日この頃です。#香取慎吾 #NewNormal #週刊文春WOMAN ARKTOTE_#008 New Normal 【SHINGO KATORI】 @YouTube
本日発売(首都圏) の #週刊文春#週刊文春WOMAN どちらにも見目麗しい #凪沙 さんのカラーグラビア掲載!  #新しい地図 #ミッドナイトスワン #草なぎ剛 さん #草彅剛 さん #美し過ぎる #目ヂカラ #NewNormal #Moulinrouge
#週刊文春WOMAN 表紙画描きました。 タイトルは #NewNormal 本日発売です。 #横尾忠則 さんと往復書簡 #三谷幸喜 さんとの対談 読んでいただけたら嬉しいです! #香取慎吾…
【表紙解禁!】明日9/24木曜発売の「週刊文春WOMAN」2020秋号が出来上がりました。9/4のNHK「あさイチ」で香取慎吾さんが描いている様子を公開されていた、あの絵です。紅葉の上に描かれているのは…… #週刊文春WOMAN #香取慎吾 #NewNormal