🎵 Neon Carnival 소개 제1탄 — 게임 내 음악 LIVE 연출 🎶
화려한 음악 연주와 보컬이 함께하는 무대가, 우리가 함께했던 시간을 생생하게 보여줄 거예요~ 어쩌면 먼저 새로운 서프라이즈를 듣게 될 지도......?
#NU카니발 #NeonCarnival
#NeonCarnival グッズ販売🎶
🎵 Neon Carnival — 굿즈 🎶
이벤트 굿즈 공개! 주인님들을 위해서 정성 가득한 기념품을 준비했어요~
LIVE 현장에 왔으니...... 토파 모양의 야광봉이 빠질 수 없겠죠? 이어지는 소식도 기대해주세요!
#NU카니발 #1주년 #NeonCarnival #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - Event Programme Reveal🎶
Presenting a memory-packed collection of all the best moments from our first year! Enjoy a compilation of past events and some extra info on Eiden's super stylish event fits. There might even be a few words to all the Masters out there ❤
🎵 Neon Carnival - Final Thoughts 🎶
Wow, time flies! It's already been over three weeks since our first-ever live show. Your trusty butler can't help smiling every time he thinks about it... I can still hear your cheers as clear as day! ٩( 'ω' )و
#NUCarnival #NeonCarnival
#NeonCarnival - 8 Days to Go 🎶
In his first big stage appearance since Tidal Wave of Summer's world tour, who knows just what side of himself Master Yakumo will be revealing to all the lucky Masters out there? Is it me... or does he sound a little different somehow?
🎵 Neon Carnival 소개 제3탄 — 성우 출연 확정 🎶
역대급 소식 발표, 미스터리 게스트의 정체 공개! 두 성우 분들을 현장에 초대해 멋진 밤을 함께 할 수 있게 되어 영광입니다~ 멋진 현장 더빙 외에 또 어떤 재미있는 코너가 있을까요?
#NU카니발 #NeonCarnival
🎵 Neon Carnival — チケット紹介 🎶
ご主人様全員がNeon Carnivalに参加できるように、ライブ会場への入場チケット以外にも、ライブ配信も行います!この日しか味わえない特別なライブをみんなで一緒に楽しみましょう 🌍
#ニューカニ #一周年 #NeonCarnival #LIVE
同じセンス ありがとう
✨ Official Online Store Now Open ✨
The Neon Carnival merchandise collection is now available at our official online store! With a total of 8 items available, which ones have caught your eye?
Check here for more information: store.nucarnival.com
#NUCarnival #NeonCarnival
#NeonCarnival - 5 Days to Go 🎶
Doesn't your heart just melt seeing that gentle smile on Master Quincy's face? And Neon Carnival's live music performance is sure to get your blood pumping! Come along and dance with us! 🔥
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
🎵 It's #NeonCarnival Day! 🎶
Exclusive 1st-anniversary content, a live show featuring music from the game, voice actors in attendance, a mystery segment... Neon Carnival is an exclusive, one-time live show—grab your clan members and join us for an almighty party! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
#NeonCarnival 本日開催です 🎶
楽曲ライブや声優コーナー、そしてサプライズも……最高のカーニバルがいよいよ始まろうとしております!イベント内容はNeon Carnival でしか見られませんので、ぜひ一緒にこの1周年記念イベントを楽しみましょう ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
🎵 Neon Carnival — デジタル券 🎶
2/19㈰に行われるNeon Carnival!この宴に参加する用意はもうできましたか?当日のオンライン配信でもイベントが見れますよ。#デジタル券 をゲットして、1周年記念イベントを一緒に楽しみましょう!
#ニューカニ #1周年 #NeonCarnival #LIVE
#NeonCarnival D-4 🎶
좀처럼 헤아릴 수 없는 큐야 님, 에이트 님과의 관계에 새로운 진전이 있는 것 같은데요......? 주인님들께만 몰래 말씀드리는 거지만, 이번 이벤트엔 주인님을 위해 준비한 특별한 코너가 있답니다. 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요 ✨
#NU카니발 #1주년 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 10日 🎶
#NeonCarnival - 1 Day to Go 🎶
Just one more sleep! No matter whether it's learning about his clan member's hobbies or getting ready for tomorrow's live show, Master Eiden always puts his best foot forward~ Are you ready, Masters? It's carnival time! ✨
#NeonCarnival - 2 Days to Go 🎶
That's our Master Blade, setting hearts aflutter wherever he takes his innocent smile! Remember to get plenty of rest, Masters! It's almost time to meet your favorite clan members 💖
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
✨ 온라인 스토어 오픈 예정 ✨
주인님, 고대하시던 Neon Carnival 의 시리즈 굿즈가 곧 온라인 스토어에서 판매될 예정입니다!
자세한 구매 정보는 온라인 스토어에서 확인해주세요:store.nucarnival.com
#NU카니발 #NeonCarnival
🎵 Neon Carnival - Live Stream Tickets🎶
Neon Carnival will be taking place on Feb 19 (Sun)—is everyone ready to join in the fun? The entirety of the live event will be streamed for your viewing pleasure! Grab your #LiveStreamTickets and join us!
#NUCarnival #NeonCarnival #LIVE
#NeonCarnival D-8 🎶
『Tidal Wave of Summer』를 거치고 다시 무대에 선 야쿠모 님은 LIVE에서 어떤 새로운 모습으로 주인님들을 맞이해 주실까요? 그런데 야쿠모 님의 말투가...... 좀 달라진 것 같기도? LIVE 이벤트에서 함께 확인해 보세요!
#NU카니발 #1주년 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 3 Days to Go 🎶
Who's that...? An out-of-control Master Eiden? Neon Carnival will be streaming live across the world! Don't miss out on plenty of specially-prepared, exclusive content! ( • ̀ω•́ )
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
As the big day draws near, we're thrilled to see so many of you getting ready to take part! #NeonCarnival fever has overtaken the mansion, with excitement for our live show at an all-time high~ Come and help us to make this the best first-anniversary celebration ever! 🎶