#NeonCarnival D-4 🎶
좀처럼 헤아릴 수 없는 큐야 님, 에이트 님과의 관계에 새로운 진전이 있는 것 같은데요......? 주인님들께만 몰래 말씀드리는 거지만, 이번 이벤트엔 주인님을 위해 준비한 특별한 코너가 있답니다. 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요 ✨
#NU카니발 #1주년 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 4 Days to Go 🎶
Just what has happened between the enigmatic Master Kuya and his young master...? Psst, don't tell anyone, but I hear there are a few mystery surprises planned for the big day too... You don't wanna miss it ✨
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
#NeonCarnival グッズ販売🎶
#NeonCarnival グッズ販売🎶
#NeonCarnival - Merchandise 🎶
Details of the exclusive Neon Carnival merchandise are finally here! In the spirit of fairness for all Masters, each shopper may purchase no more than one of each item and go through the checkout one time only. See you this weekend!
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 5日 🎶
お酒の酔いもあって、ケシー様が優しいお顔をしていますね。見ていて心がポカポカしてきました……イベントでの楽曲ライブは大興奮間違いなしですね!リズムにノリながら最高の夜を楽しみましょう 🔥
#ニューカニ #1周年 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 5 Days to Go 🎶
Doesn't your heart just melt seeing that gentle smile on Master Quincy's face? And Neon Carnival's live music performance is sure to get your blood pumping! Come along and dance with us! 🔥
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
#NeonCarnival D-5 🎶
술기운 때문인지, 케시 님이 부드러운 표정을 짓고 계세요. 케시 님을 보고 있으니 마음이 훈훈해지네요...... 현장에서 펼쳐질 음악 라이브도 현장을 달아오르게 만들어 줄 거예요! 함께 리듬을 타면서 라이브를 만끽해보세요!
#NU카니발 #1주년 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 6日 🎶
誰からも愛される祭司であるオリビン様はいつも素敵な魅力を放っておりますね~今回オリビン様の声優である #一夜愛 様とエイト様の声優である #刺草ネトル 様に会場に来ていただくことになりました!ご主人様、どうぞこの機会をお見逃しなく ❤
#ニューカニ #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 6 Days to Go 🎶
Master Olivine never fails to ooze his signature mesmerizing charm~ This time, we're honored to have Master Olivine's voice actor #OneNightLove and Master Eiden's voice actor #NetoruIrakusa joining us on stage! You don't wanna miss this! ❤
#NeonCarnival D-7 🎶
에드몬드 님과 에이트 님의 뜨거운 애정에, 항간에선 이런저런 소문이 도나봐요…... 이번 LIVE 이벤트에서는 권속들과 주인님들의 풍성한 전용 스토리가 공개될 예정이에요! 권속들과 LIVE에서 만나요 ♪
#NU카니발 #1주년 #NeonCarnival #LIVE
#NeonCarnival D-7 🎶
에드몬드 님과 에이트 님의 뜨거운 애정에, 항간에선 이런저런 소문이 도나봐요…... 이번 LIVE 이벤트에서는 권속들과 주인님들의 풍성한 전용 스토리가 공개될 예정이에요! 권속들과 LIVE에서 만나요 ♪
#NU카니발 #1주년 #NeonCarnival #LIVE
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 7日 🎶
エドモンド様とエイト様は仲が非常によく、なにかと話題に事欠きませんね……イベントではイベント限定のスペシャルシナリオをご用意しております!ご主人様のお越しをお待ちしております ♪
#ニューカニ #1周年 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 7 Days to Go 🎶
It seems Master Edmond and Master Eiden's relationship has the marketplace abuzz with gossip... And guess what? Our live event comes with a brand-new and exclusive story just for you! Your clan members await ♪
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 8 Days to Go 🎶
In his first big stage appearance since Tidal Wave of Summer's world tour, who knows just what side of himself Master Yakumo will be revealing to all the lucky Masters out there? Is it me... or does he sound a little different somehow?
#NeonCarnival D-8 🎶
『Tidal Wave of Summer』를 거치고 다시 무대에 선 야쿠모 님은 LIVE에서 어떤 새로운 모습으로 주인님들을 맞이해 주실까요? 그런데 야쿠모 님의 말투가...... 좀 달라진 것 같기도? LIVE 이벤트에서 함께 확인해 보세요!
#NU카니발 #1주년 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 8日 🎶
Tidal Wave of Summerの活動を経て再びステージに立つことになった八雲様、果たしてどのような新しい姿で登場するのでしょう?口調もどうやら少々……いつもと違うようですね?ぜひイベントに参加してその目でご確認ください!
#ニューカニ #1周年 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - 9 Days to Go🎶
Extremely buff and always hungry, Master Morvay agreed to participate in Neon Carnival the instant he heard about it. All so he could suck some... vitality? Our live show is really hotting up! Make sure to join us! ✨
#NUCarnival #1stAnniversary
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 9日 🎶
#ニューカニ #1周年 #LIVE
#NeonCarnival 開催まで後 10日 🎶
#NeonCarnival - 10 Days to Go 🎶
We're kicking off our ten-day countdown with none other than the dashing Master Aster~ The Klein Continent's resident moneymaking genius has been working hard night and day in preparation for the show... Who knows what he's got planned!?
As the big day draws near, we're thrilled to see so many of you getting ready to take part! #NeonCarnival fever has overtaken the mansion, with excitement for our live show at an all-time high~ Come and help us to make this the best first-anniversary celebration ever! 🎶
Neon Carnival Live Stream Tickets ON SALE NOW!
With your support, Neon Carnival is gearing up to be a truly unforgettable experience~ Plus, a little birdy told me Master Eiden can't wait to meet each and every one of you! Grab your ticket and join the fun! 🎶
🎵 Neon Carnival — 온라인 티켓🎶
Neon Carnival이 2/19(일)에 정식 오픈합니다. 모두 이 네온의 향연을 즐길 준비되셨나요? 오프라인 현장의 모든 콘텐츠는 온라인 스트리밍으로 동시 송출됩니다. #온라인티켓 을 손에 넣으시고 함께 1주년의 카니발을 즐겨봐요!
#NU카니발 #NeonCarnival #LIVE