One of my favorite photos, a stunning tiger moth, posting here to celebrate #NationalMothWeek . Amerila sp. Philippines; by @BiodiversiLary
Another gorgeous moth to celebrate #NationalMothWeek . Eye-tailed moth, Sematura luna (Sematuridae). Eye wing marks likely to fool birds, twisted tails likely to fool bats. Photo by @BiodiversiLary
Day 2, #NationalMothWeek! Here's a vid I took of an amazing wasp moth. Yes, it's a moth, not a wasp! Pseudosphex ichneumonea (Erebidae), Costa Rica @Moth_Week
Day 4, #NationalMothWeek . Today's #moth is Uropyia meticulodina (Notodontidae). Check out the visual illusion! Head points to the left and wing pattern makes it look like a curled leaf! Photo: W.-C. Chang @Moth_Week
Day 7, #NationalMothWeek. Moth of the day is a tiger moth that "floats" its pupa in air and creates a golden silk basket around itself to protect against predators. Fascinating defense behavior! Photo: J. Horstman. #moth_week @Moth_Week
Happy #NationalMothWeek! There are >150,000 species of #moths in the world and many of them are beautiful, important to us + our ecosystem, yet declining. Help save moths by dimming/turning off exterior lights this week. One of the largest is Atlas moth, from SE Asia! @Moth_Week