To Further add insult to injury #China's military must see this video & must not forget when back in 1991, #NancyPelosi shocked Chinese officials by standing in Tiananmen Square and waving a pro-democracy banner.
नैंसी पेलोसी ताइवान की राजधानी ताइपे पहुंचीं।
धरी रह गई चीन की दादागिरी।
While #NancyPelosi lands in Taipei
#Taiwan seems like the US Govt. has not only "Spit" directly on the face of Xi Jinping but has also given a tight slap to the coward Chinese army .
Meanwhile China - “Only bark No bite”
It seems that responding with such nonsense as "haunted" is China's so-called "strong measure", right?
Let’s look at somewhere else in the world. Good thing about the comment section in CNA is that we don’t need to translate anything.
#Taiwan #China
The thing you hear is the sound of a great Chinese dream collapse.
Tip: Don't punish yourself for finding someone you don't like land Taiwan.
#Taiwan #China
How ultra-nationalist and chauvinist propaganda turns a country into a 9.6million km² madhouse with 1.4billion people living in their own delusional world.
#Taiwan #China
Kinda reminded us why we started the great translation movement in the first place. The misogynistic comments by the Chinese netizen is really disgusting.
When the aggressive Chinese government did not do anything, the Chinese mob was so frustrated that the propaganda machine went into full gear to explain everything
#Taiwan #China