Thank you.😭 原文: 美國眾議院議長佩洛西與眾議員麥高文舉起「FREE HONG KONG 光復香港 時代革命」T恤 lih.kg/1657084 ●來源:公民開智 #NancyPelosi #佩洛西 #JimMcGovern #麥高文 #FreeHongKong #光復香港 #時代革命 #LIHKG
To Further add insult to injury #China's military must see this video & must not forget when back in 1991, #NancyPelosi shocked Chinese officials by standing in Tiananmen Square and waving a pro-democracy banner.
नैंसी पेलोसी ताइवान की राजधानी ताइपे पहुंचीं। धरी रह गई चीन की दादागिरी। #NancyPelosi
While #NancyPelosi lands in Taipei #Taiwan seems like the US Govt. has not only "Spit" directly on the face of Xi Jinping but has also given a tight slap to the coward Chinese army . Meanwhile China - “Only bark No bite”
It seems that responding with such nonsense as "haunted" is China's so-called "strong measure", right? #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi
Let’s look at somewhere else in the world. Good thing about the comment section in CNA is that we don’t need to translate anything. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Pelosi #CNA #Singapore #Taiwan #China #RepublicOfChina
The thing you hear is the sound of a great Chinese dream collapse. Tip: Don't punish yourself for finding someone you don't like land Taiwan. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Pelosi #Taiwan #China #RepublicOfChina
How ultra-nationalist and chauvinist propaganda turns a country into a 9.6million km² madhouse with 1.4billion people living in their own delusional world. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Pelosi #Taiwan #China #RepublicOfChina
Kinda reminded us why we started the great translation movement in the first place. The misogynistic comments by the Chinese netizen is really disgusting. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Taiwan #RepublicOfChina #ChinaTaiwanCrisis
When the aggressive Chinese government did not do anything, the Chinese mob was so frustrated that the propaganda machine went into full gear to explain everything #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Pelosi #Taiwan #China #RepublicOfChina