"I will not let you harm my fellow knights!" Exquisitely dressed and elegant as a freshly bloomed flower... Enjoy the scent of true nobility... #NUCarnival #NewEvent
#NeonCarnival - 5 Days to Go 🎶 Doesn't your heart just melt seeing that gentle smile on Master Quincy's face? And Neon Carnival's live music performance is sure to get your blood pumping! Come along and dance with us! 🔥 #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
#NeonCarnival - Merchandise 🎶 Details of the exclusive Neon Carnival merchandise are finally here! In the spirit of fairness for all Masters, each shopper may purchase no more than one of each item and go through the checkout one time only. See you this weekend! #NUCarnival
"Do you see how ridiculous this tea party is?" Impeccably dressed, yet a hard nut to crack... Will he make the ideal helper? Or perhaps... #NUCarnival #NewEvent
#NeonCarnival - 4 Days to Go 🎶 Just what has happened between the enigmatic Master Kuya and his young master...? Psst, don't tell anyone, but I hear there are a few mystery surprises planned for the big day too... You don't wanna miss it ✨ #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
Home screen interactions are here! Set Eiden and any ally to your home screen to hear new and exclusive dialogue~ They'll be sure to warm your hearts ❤ Stay tuned for news of more new in-game features✨ #NUCarnival #Eiden
#NeonCarnival - 3 Days to Go 🎶 Who's that...? An out-of-control Master Eiden? Neon Carnival will be streaming live across the world! Don't miss out on plenty of specially-prepared, exclusive content! ( • ̀ω•́ ) #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
[Spring Chaos|Edmond] "Here, this is a gift as thanks for your help... and for watching over me." Noble sentiments soon transform into powerful shackles. Seeing his plight, just how does Eiden plan to ease the Vice-Captain's burden? #NUCarnival #ForestCarnival #Edmond
#NeonCarnival - 2 Days to Go 🎶 That's our Master Blade, setting hearts aflutter wherever he takes his innocent smile! Remember to get plenty of rest, Masters! It's almost time to meet your favorite clan members 💖 #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #LIVE
🌸 1st Anniversary - 6 Days to Go 🌸 A big thank-you to #烏丸ピヨひこ for this awesome piece of celebratory art! Masters Edmond and Olivine, here for your viewing pleasure~ Just look at those poses... Is it getting hot in here? 🔗 twitter.com/K_piyohiko #NUCarnival
[Afternoon Daze|Kuya] "How about enjoying a tea party inside an illusion?" As spring approaches and life begins anew, White Day arrives once more... Perhaps a whole new possibility lies on the horizon...? #NUCarnival #ForestCarnival #AfternoonDaze #Kuya
大魔法使いの花嫁💐 The bride of the grand sorcerer #NUCarnival #ぬカニ_FA #エドモンド
#NeonCarnival - 1 Day to Go 🎶 Just one more sleep! No matter whether it's learning about his clan member's hobbies or getting ready for tomorrow's live show, Master Eiden always puts his best foot forward~ Are you ready, Masters? It's carnival time! ✨ #NUCarnival
Gazing out over the stage... your trusty butler's excitement levels reach brand-new heights!💓 #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #NeonCarnival #LIVE
🌸 1st Anniversary - 3 Days to Go 🌸 A big thank-you to TaaRO for this awesome piece of celebratory art! With the sun shining up above, Masters Blade and Garu head out for a fun-filled afternoon~ (●´∀`●) 🔗 twitter.com/taaro222 #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #TaaRO
【NU: カーニバル】 2/24(金)よりゲームリリース1周年を 記念した商品を発売致します! トレーディングアニバーサリーカードには 1周年限定セリフ付き♡ cafe.animate.co.jp/event/nucarniv… #ニューカニ #NUCarnival #NUカーニバル #ニューカニ_x_animatecafe
さらに、通販限定商品の発売も決定! こちらは2/24(金)10:00より 限定受注をおこないます。 タペストリー・ティーカップ&ソーサーセット animate-onlineshop.jp/animetitle/?ai… カップケーキセット cake.animate-onlineshop.jp/anicafe-nucarn… #ニューカニ #NUCarnival #NUカーニバル #ニューカニ_x_animatecafe
NU: Carnival [Forest Carnival] Event PV While at Passion Café tasting the chef's latest chocolate creations, they encounter a most unusual customer... After learning of the motives behind this special guest's visit, a bold new idea takes form in Aster's mind... #NUCarnival
This latest update also includes a brand-new login screen and theme song! Add your favorite allies to your home screen, and you might just hear something special... Make sure not to miss out on all the surprises we've got in store! (´∀` )♥ #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary
[Forest Carnival] Has Arrived! 🌸 Join Edmond and Kuya for a tea party that promises to break new ground between humans and yokai! Availability: Today till Mar 23, 12:00 (UTC+8) See here for full event details: nucarnival.com/en-US/News/202… #NUCarnival #ForestCarnival #Edmond #Kuya
NU: カーニバル1周年お祝いイラスト、エイトを出迎える眷属たちを描かせて頂きました。 1周年、本当におめでとうございます!! 💁では、カメラを宴会場の入口に切り替えます。 #ニューカニ #NUCarnival twitter.com/NuCarnival/sta…
🌸 Happy 1st Anniversary🌸 Under a bright blue sky, step forth and enter a brand-new chapter on the Klein Continent! We wish you and your clan members many more happy days to come! ٩(。・ω・。)و 🎁 Spirit Gems x500 🎁 N4U9C6ANI531S8T #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary #BL #Yaoi
🌸 Letter From the Producer 🌸 NU: Carnival is one year old! And as it just so happens, while tidying up the mansion, your trusty butler found a letter addressed to all the wonderful Masters out there... 👇 1st.nucarnival.com #NUCarnival #1stAnniversary