Santa is flying over India! In Mumbai, street markets transform to celebrate the holidays and sell ornaments, treats, and decorations! #NORADTracksSanta
30 more days until NORAD Tracks Santa! Did you know @RCAF_ARC CF-18s escort Santa through North American airspace when he departs the North Pole? @NORADCommand #Santa #NORADTracksSanta #Holiday #NORAD #WeHaveTheWatch
#NORAD has located Santa delivering presents on a beach near Zanzibar, Tanzania. Curious on where Santa is headed next? Visit noradsanta.org to follow #NORADTracksSanta
Continental NORAD Region (CONR) has a holiday message and a sneak peek of #NORADTracksSanta operations for you. CONR defends the entire continent of the United States 24/7 with a network of radars, satellites and infrared sensors the same way they track Santa.
Although NORAD has different hypotheses and theories as to how Santa actually gets down the chimneys, we don't have definitive information to explain the magical phenomenon. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is now arriving in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, home of the Royal Canadian Air Force's Air Demonstration team, the Snowbirds! Time for all the boys and girls in Saskatchewan to "hit the hay." #HappyHolidays #NORADTracksSanta
Say hello to our new shift of operators taking your calls. Call in now. 1-877-446-6723. #NORADTracksSanta
Decorate your own tree in today's game at bit.ly/NTSGames. There's only ONE day left until we start tracking #Santa across the world! You can talk to a live #NORAD Santa Tracker at 1-877-HI-NORAD or noradtrackssanta@outlook.com starting at 5 a.m. EST! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa has made his way to the West Coast and was just seen flying over #Phoenix, #Arizona. What to know where he is headed next, call us at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is over the heart of the Sahara Desert in Ain Salah, Algeria! We hope the reindeer have some water! #NORAD #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org
PAVE PAWS radars at Cape Cod Air Force Station, Massachusetts are tracking Santa on his route from the United States to South America. #NORADTracksSanta youtube.com/watch?v=RGchQu…
#NORAD called #Santa before Christmas to let him know we were ready to track him! #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org
#Santa has crossed the border into South Africa and is headed to Johannesburg. The Jolly Guy has been busy tonight as #NORAD estimates he has already delivered hundreds of millions of presents worldwide. #NORADTracksSanta
Santa has made it to Moscow, Russia! Follow Santa's journey with #NORADTracksSanta youtube.com/watch?v=GKMuNQ…
#NORAD is reporting sensor hits that look like antlers over Riviera Cancun. #FelizNavidad to everybody celebrating Noche Buena! #NORADTracksSanta
Something or someone was spotted flying over the city of Jakarta, Indonesia! It was a silhouette, but everyone could hear the distinct sound of sleigh bells echoing across the sky. #NORADTracksSanta youtube.com/watch?v=0Fq_Ay…
If you live in Argentina and look up, you might see #Santa...but if you want presents, you better go to bed! #NORAD #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org
On Dec. 24, track #Santa with Kid's Place Live on Sirius XM channel 78! Kid's Place Live is Satellite Radio's original, interactive destination for families all across North America with kids 10 and under. Learn more at kidsplacelive.com #NORADTracksSanta
These polar bears are staying warm as they watch #Santa leave the North Pole! Did you know polar bears' fur is thicker than any other bears & covers their feet for warmth and traction on ice? #NORADTracksSanta
Santa is flying above the Acropolis in Athens, Greece! #NORADTracksSanta youtube.com/watch?v=LTlDxI…
We bet #Santa has a great view as he’s flying over the Great Wall of China! #NORAD #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org
Calling all kids. Calling all kids. This is Lil Guy at #NORADTracksSanta operations. What is your favorite part of the #holidays?! Over.
Welcome to Belgium #Santa! He enjoyed the view of the Plaisirs d’hiver in Brussels while delivering presents. Wonder where he is headed next? Visit noradsanta.org or call 1-877-Hi-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
#NORAD has received intelligence reports that #Santa, aka Big Red One, was spotted over Israel. Curious as to where Santa is headed next? Go to noradsanta.org. #NORADTracksSanta
NORAD has located #Santa flying in and around the Mediterranean Sea and is currently delivering presents to the island nation of Malta. Check out these #HappyHoliday photos from Malta! #NORADTracksSanta