Someone called and said they spotted a sleigh and reindeer flying by the #St. Louis Gateway Arch. #Santa, aka Big Red One, is in Missouri. Want to know where Santa is flying next, call #NORAD at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta #HappyHolidays
#Santa has made his way south to #Panama City. #DYK, Panama is a narrow country that links Central and South America. The Panama Canal cuts through the center of the country, linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to create an essential shipping route. #NORADTracksSanta
Welcome to #Toronto, Ontario #Canada! Want to know where #Santa is headed next, give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
#NORAD spotted #Santa and his sleigh flying over #Portsmouth, #NewHampshire. Any children in the area better get to bed and don't worry about that thumping noise on your roof. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa has been spotted in the Charleston, #SouthCarolina area. Want to know when Santa will be in your neighborhood? Give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD to find out. Our Santa trackers will give you an up-to-the-minute location of Santa. #NORADTracksSanta
#NORAD has tracked #Santa entering U.S. airspace. Welcome to the United States Santa! Kids located on the East Coast, you better get to bed soon as Santa is on his way. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is flying towards #Peru, home of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains above the Urubamba River valley. It was built in the 15th century and later abandoned. #NORADTracksSanta
The Royal Canadian Air Force recently gave #Santa an escort near Newfoundland. #RCAF #NORADTracksSanta
Children in Barbados need to get to their beds. #Santa only visits when children are asleep. I wonder where he will go to next, call NORAD to find out at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa made a stop in Ireland to hit the slopes before finishing his presents delivery to all the children on the island. Want to know what NORAD does the rest of the year? Learn more at our website, norad.mil. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa was spotted over Paris, #France a few minutes ago. Where is he headed now? Give #NORAD a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD to find out. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa finished delivering presents in Italy & is heading towards #Amsterdam, #Netherlands. #DYK, the Museumplein is turned into Amsterdam Christmas Square every year, boasting a market and craft-making displays. An ice rink there is open well into the evening. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is on his way to Warsaw, Poland! #DYK, on Dec. 24th, Poles gather around the table and eat Christmas dinner. After dinner, families sits near Christmas trees, sing Christmas carols and exchange gifts. Tell us what your Holiday tradition is. #NORADTracksSanta #HappyHolidays
We just got word that #Santa is heading to Johannesburg, #SouthAfrica. #DYK the city was founded in 1886 and the greater Johannesburg area has just over 8 million residents, making it the largest city of South Africa. Santa will be busy. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa was spotted in Egypt a few minutes ago. #NORADTracksSanta
Welcome to #Finland #Santa Claus! Santa is really enjoying the Aurora Borealis tonight over Finland. Wanna know where Santa is heading next? Call 1-877-HI-NORAD or visit our website at noradsanta.org. #NORADTracksSanta
It's time for bed in Moscow, #Russia, because #Santa is heading your way! Want to know where Santa is heading next, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. noradsanta.org #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa in Kabul, #Afghanistan! I wonder where he is headed next? Give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa made a stop in India to check out the Taj Mahal. #DYK India is the seventh largest country in the world. India is the second most populated country in the world and is home to more than 1.2 billion people. That's a lot of presents for Santa to deliver! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa was seen flying over Kyrgyzstan! If you live in Bishkek, you better get to bed. #NORADTracksSanta