#NORAD spotted #Santa flying through Sydney, Australia! See the video! youtu.be/tofV3yLHFQY
youtu.be/HxJzLox1PfI #NORAD Santa Cams captured video of #Santa flying through Japan! Watch the video.
Our #NORAD #Santa Trackers are here taking calls all day! Merry Christmas! noradsanta.org 1-877-Hi-NORAD
Our #NORAD #Santa Trackers are working hard! Not only do we track #Santa every Christmas Eve, but we Defend the Homelands every day of the year!
What's it like being an official #NORAD #Santa Tracker? Major Muro tells you what it's like to Track Santa with NORAD! #NORADSantaTracker
#Santa is in India! #NORAD Santa Cameras picked him up over the Taj Mahal! #NORADSantaTracker youtu.be/7KAnPQdSfho
#NORAD has just spotted #Santa flying over Kabul Afghanistan. Watch the video here. youtu.be/r9gBQvEgYxs
#NORAD Just spotted #Santa over Russia! Children in Russia, it's time to go to bed. #NORADTracksSanta
People always ask how #NORAD tracks #Santa on Dec 24th! We use infrared sensors from Rudolph’s nose to determine Santa’s exact location throughout the night! To talk to a NORAD Santa Tracker, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. noradsanta.org #NORADTracksSanta (Desktop browsers only)
Hey kids, #NORAD just tracked #Santa and got some video of him delivering presents in Moscow Russia. youtu.be/GKMuNQIztcY
#NORAD tracked #Santa over Seychelles
#NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Vilnius, Lithuania
#NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Istanbul, Turkey. #Santa wants to express his thanks for all the children who left out the wonderful Turkish coffee, he said it helps with his long Christmas flight
#NORAD has just tracked #Santa over Athens Greece. If you care to track Santa yourself you can do so at noradsanta.org youtu.be/LTlDxIo-zZw
#Santa last seen in Bujumbura, Burundi. Want to know where #Santa is? Call us at 1-877-446-6723 or email noradtrackssanta@outlook.com to talk to a live #NORAD Santa tracker! #NORADTracksSanta
Where is #Santa? Call us at 1-877-446-6723 or email noradtrackssanta@outlook.com to talk to a live #NORAD Santa tracker! #NORADTracksSanta
He's crossed Mississippi and Missouri, and now #Santa is delivering gifts in #Chicago, also known as "The Windy City!" #NORAD is busy keeping up with Rudolph's infrared nose to make sure we have the precise location of Santa at all times! #NORADTracksSanta
Only a few hours left before #Santa returns to the North Pole! He was just spotted in Anchorage, Alaska, the home of our friends at the Alaskan #NORAD Region. This unit contributes to NORAD's aerospace warning mission everyday of the year and helps track Santa every Dec 24th!
#NORAD is a bi-national command comprised of U.S. and Canadian service members. We track #Santa together to ensure his safety. Do you know how NORAD first started tracking Santa? See the history and more at noradsanta.org.
NORAD's integrated ground & space systems are so powerful they can even detect the red glow from Rudolph's nose and the metal that makes up Santa's sleigh! #NORAD #Santa
Merry Christmas! 今日は美保基地クリスマスドロップ。サンタwithトナカイがC-2で物料投下! 着陸後には近隣の保育園の子供たちにお菓子をプレゼント。子供たちからは歌のお返しが🎵 サンタの飛行経路はNORAD HPをC'Kしてください #美保基地 #NORAD mod.go.jp/asdf/miho/30ku… noradsanta.org
See how #NORAD started tracking #Santa in 1955! noradsanta.org, go to NORAD HQ and click Secret Santa files. How would the world Track Santa without NORAD Tracks Santa?
Want to know where #Santa is on Dec 24th? Call us tomorrow at 1-877-446-6723 or e-mail noradtrackssanta@outlook.com to talk to a live #NORAD Santa tracker! We answer our first call at 6 a.m. EST. noradsanta.org
People often ask how #NORAD tracks #Santa on Dec 24th. We use infrared sensors from Rudolph's nose to determine Santa's exact location throughout the night. To talk to a NORAD Santa Tracker, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. noradsanta.org #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa's sleigh gets loaded with goodies for all the believers. #NORAD pilots can't wait until they get to fly with the big guy! #NORADTracksSanta