にじさんじEN クリスマスボイスイラストを担当させて頂きました! よろしくお願いします🎄🎅🎁 #NIJISANJI_EN #Nijisanji
🎉Thank you for 100,000 followers! 🎉 We truly appreciate all the love and support you have shown for our wonderful VTubers! ❤️ #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI
【NIJIScenario episode 3 coming soon!】 Get into the festive spirit with @EnnaAlouette @ReimuEndou @NinaKosaka and @MillieParfait! 🔻Catch the episode on: Dec 24, 1PM JST | Dec 23, 8PM PST #NIJIScenario #Ethyria #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
[ SPYRO REIGNITED TRILOGY: RIPTO'S RAGE ] The waiting room is here! I might not be doing an endurance stream like promised as the schedule since I've been feeling a bit out of it but let's see how far we can get ! youtu.be/yMX_6tW5UVM #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
LuxiemからNijisanji ENを知った日本のオタクに向けて、1~3期生のプレゼン資料を作ってみました🙏 みんな可愛くて面白い最高のメンバーなのでぜひ知ってほしい!(1/4) #LazuLight #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora #E1337RA #PomuRainpuff #bigppmemes #FinanaRyugu #Finameme
LuxiemからNijisanji ENを知った日本のオタクに向けて、1~3期生のプレゼン資料を作ってみました🙏(2/4) #OBSYDIA #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki #Tatsulaugh #RosemiLovelock #Rosememe #PetraGurin #PetraMeme
LuxiemからNijisanji ENを知った日本のオタクに向けて、1~3期生のプレゼン資料を作ってみました🙏(3/4) #Ethyria #NIJISANJI_EN #NinaKosaka #KosaKusa #EnnaAlouette #EnnTheyCry #Memillie #ReimuEndou #Reimuwu
LuxiemからNijisanji ENを知った日本のオタクに向けて、1~3期生のプレゼン資料を作ってみました🙏(4/4) 最後に見たい配信の傾向別おすすめ表です!作者の独断と偏見に寄りますが、何かの参考になれば…。 #NIJISANJI_EN
NIJISANJIENの男性陣を知ってほしい(日本人向け) #Luxiem #NIJISANJI_EN #MystaRias #lucakaneshiro #VoxAkuma #IkeEvaland
NIJIScenario episode 3 is out now! #Ethyria celebrates Christmas!! But wait, that didn't go as expected....?! 🔻Full version: youtu.be/VddqVDkMin8 #NIJIScenario #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
[ SWITCH APEX LEGENDS ] Here's the waiting room! Christmas Eve with a little bit of suffering. It's time. youtu.be/16ie7ZDnmbU #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
【🎄Merry Christmas!🎄】 Would you like to spend a lovely evening with the #NIJISANJI_EN girls? 🎁 Gift yourself these Christmas voice packs! (six tracks in a set) 🔻Shop voice content and goods now! nijisanji-store.com/collections/ch… ⏳Limited release until Dec 27 23:59 JST #NIJISANJI
When they said "MOE MOE KYUN" on streaming... #Akurylic #drawluca #NIJISANJI_EN #Luxiem
Newest #NIJIClip is out! Here's your Hope in the Dark!! #Luxiem debut highlights! 🔻Full Version youtu.be/1wDd6rrB9mQ #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
New #shorts video! Christmas Ruined, thanks a lot Shu! ft. @shu_yamino 🔻Watch now: youtu.be/YoP4aRIcVa4 #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
スケジュールの時差や、彼らのおはようツイートが何時なのかを計算するたびに宇宙猫になってたので表作った 0で日付が変わります…便利… (時差分からんって人ご自由にお使いください) #Luxiem #NIJISANJI_EN
[ SUPER PEOPLE ] w/ @/ReimuEndou @/shu_yamino @/Vox_Akuma The waiting room is here ! Finally I'll be trying the new battle royale that everyone's talking about with the car super power. youtu.be/zrfgXJe1GoU #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
【DDLC+】A happy ending is . . . possible...? #drawluca #NIJISANJI_EN #Luxiem
[ DRAWING POKEMON FROM MEMORY ] The waiting room is here! We will be doing gen 1 & 2 and if I don't know a pokemon, it's your job to describe it as best as you can for me. Let's see how close I can get! youtu.be/jvaklcwCk1A #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
[ VRCHAT NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN ] Well, here's the last waiting room of the year 🚂 A VRchat special w/ Pomu & Rosemi! Stay to the very end for a little special announcement 👀Let's celebrate 2022 together Dragoons! youtu.be/46i27fOLKkQ #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
#Luxiem New Year Goods & Voice on sale!】 Luxiem's first ever original voice content will be available on our store! 🔻Sales period: Jan 1st 11:00 to Jan 15th 23:59 JST 🔻Shop now: nijisanji-store.com/collections/ne… #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
#NIJISANJI_EN New Year Goods & Voice on sale!】 Original voice content & goods with the theme of Japanese New Year will be on sale starting today! 🔻Sale period: Jan 1st 11:00 to Jan 15th 23:59 JST 🔻Shop now: nijisanji-store.com/collections/ne… #NIJISANJI #LazuLight #OBSYDIA #Ethyria
[ BEHIND THE SCENES #NIJISANJIExpress ] First waiting room of the year! I'll be showing a lot of WIPs and the process we went through that made this world possible youtu.be/m02hOyqE_f4 #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki