Encounter with a fairy! #PomuPaint #NIJISANJI_EN
Encounter with a fairy Part II - Chillin' in the tea #PomuPaint #NIJISANJI_EN
Playing with Pikl! 30.000ft above ground. #絵リーラ #pendorART #NIJISANJI_EN
【Recruiting #Shorts creators】 Do you want to use your godlike video editing skills and passion for #NIJISANJI_EN to make people laugh? Then we are looking for YOU! 🔻Application: forms.gle/hXqx1ZtVfAxqfH… Deadline: 31 Aug 23:59 JST
[ APEX SPECIAL GUESTS ] Collab partner: @bobon_pranaja From NIJISANJI ID branch! He is INSANE with the wingman so I look forward to watching him 1v3 in the building next door. Waiting room is now up! youtu.be/M9mwerxo5UI #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
[ PICO PARK NIJIASNJI WORLD COLLAB ] I'm about to head to bed but the waiting room is now up for the NIJISANJI world collab with people from different NIJISANJI branches. I will be the best team player this time. youtu.be/qtn_Df_L4bg #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
[ APEX SPECIAL GUESTS ] Collab partners: @lizhi3 @Qu_Qualia Waiting room is now up! I'm very excited to play with both Pochi-sensei and current pred Qu! I can't wait to relax, get carried and learn Japanese youtu.be/blLTLs5I9bc #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
Illustration done for Elira's Shoujo Rei cover! Thank you @_imblub for the opportunity! Video: youtube.com/watch?v=joOERG… #pendorART #絵リーラ #PomuPaint #Nijisanji #NIJISANJI_EN
[ APEX SPECIAL GUESTS ] Collab partners: @HariRyu2434 @SiuLee2434 Waiting room up! Our special guests today are two badass cuties from NIJISANJI KR! We are traveling around the world for apex! youtu.be/-6V3wwI1llo #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
【NIJISANJI EN MELTDOWN】 Catch #LazuLight & #OBSYDIA face off in a fun collab stream hosted on the NIJISANJI English Official channel! Tune in for some exciting announcements! ▼Schedule: Sept 17 11AM JST | Sept 16 7PM PT More info coming soon~ #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJIMELTDOWN
[ APEX LEGENDS ] Get down Madam @PomuRainpuff , the waiting room is up !!! It's almost time to protect the Pomu. If I succeed, I get my own Pomu and a high ranking spot in the pomu government youtu.be/fD8DvgpVtek #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
[ APEX SPECIAL GUESTS ] Collab partners: @itsTempplex @Qu_Qualia Waiting room up! We will be playing apex with two insane cracked players. Now I'll never get punished for my mistakes. youtu.be/EuyA6Oblkl8 #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
[ APEX SCRIMS REIGNITE CUP ] Team Actual Gold Players: @bobon_pranaja @BanHada2434 Waiting room is up! Our first official practice session together!! Let's try and not get last place. youtu.be/I-Fsu9tObEI #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki #AGPWIN #AGPNOTLAST
[ EMBERSHIP OPEN ] Waiting room finally up!! Ahh I woke up like 30 mins ago 😭 my sleep schedule this week is gonna be so messed up youtu.be/V6T-bbCB8Dg #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
【NIJISANJI EN MELTDOWN】 Punishment awaits those who lose 😱 Watch the ultimate #LazuLight & #OBSYDIA collab on the NIJISANJI English Official channel! 🔻Waiting Room: youtu.be/pSAeY1mAvOE 🔻Schedule: Sept 17 11AM JST | Sept 16 7PM PT #NIJIMELTDOWN #NIJISANJI_EN
[ SHIBUYAHAL CUSTOMS APEX LEGENDS ] Waiting room up!! W KEY!!!!!!!! We don't need English or Japanese, we speak in APEX youtu.be/4IVckfgfIUM #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki
🌹ヽ(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)人(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)ノ🌹 In addition, I’m sorry~ I painted your king golden last time.(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) #GalleryOfRoses #NIJISANJI_EN #GalleryOfRoses
【OBSYDIA Debut Celebration Voice】 OBSYDIA’s digital voice is now available on our store! @Selen_Tatsuki nijisanji-store.com/collections/se… @Rosemi_Lovelock nijisanji-store.com/collections/ro… @Petra_Gurin nijisanji-store.com/collections/pe… More info in the replies! #OBSYDIA #NIJISANJI_EN
【「NIJISANJI EN」2ndデビュー記念ボイス 本日より販売開始!】 「NIJISANJI EN」2ndデビュー記念ボイスを、本日14時より #にじストア にて販売開始! (システム音など、英語が理解できなくても楽しめるボイスもございます!) 販売ページ▽ shop.nijisanji.jp/s/niji/group/l… #OBSYDIA #NIJISANJI_EN
[ APEX REIGNITE CUP ] Waiting room is up! The tournament has been changed to arenas, best of 1 (BO1). This is going to be a short stream but I honestly am proud of how much we've grown as a team. youtu.be/97eCwgCgw0k #TatsuTalk #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki #AGPWIN #AGPNOTLAST