【Regarding our Liver appearances in #NIJIFes2022】 We'd like to inform you changes for NIJIFes Open Stage regarding our Livers from Indonesia, Korea, VirtuaReal, and NIJISANJI EN. We deeply apologize to our fans for this last-minute announcement.
【Notice: Regarding EN Liver's participation in #NIJIFes2022】 We regret to inform you that @MillieParfait and @Mysta_Rias will be unable to participate in NIJIFes due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
【Virtual to LIVE Archive!】 We heard you!!! 🎵 Presenting a special section of "Virtual to LIVE" from the "Anisong Time!" at #NIJIFes2022!🎵 Thank you for supporting our Livers in this segment❤️ 🔻Watch the archive here: youtu.be/px9RClHGzdQ
📢#NIJIFes2022 Day 1 announcement!!📢 Don’t miss Overseas Livers’ performance on the Open Stage! 🔻Open Stage schedule: fes.nijisanji.jp/stage/#area-op… 🔻 Watch the livestream: youtube.com/c/nijisanji #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
I am observing #NIJIFes2022 from my UFO in the sky rn. I am behind the cat shaped cloud, wave to me ☁️👋
【Notice: Regarding Liver's participation in #NIJIFes2022】 Due to unforeseen reasons, the Open Stage appearances by Indonesian & Korean Livers, VirtuaReal, and NIJISANJI EN members may be cancelled last minute. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding. twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
📢#NIJIFes2022 Day 2 announcement!!📢 Don’t miss overseas Livers’ performance on the Open Stage! 🔻Open Stage schedule: fes.nijisanji.jp/stage/#area-op… 🔻 Watch the livestream: youtube.com/c/nijisanji #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
📢#NIJIFes2022 Goods info!!📢 Overseas Livers are getting additional goods! 🔻List of goods: fes.nijisanji.jp/goods/ 🔻Store: shop.nijisanji.jp/s/niji/item/li… ⏰Pre-order starts: Sept 29 23:00 PDT| Sept 30 15:00 JST twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
📢#NIJIFes2022 Online ticket info!!📢 Online tickets for NIJIFes will be available on Stagecrowd & bilibili! 🔻Stagecrowd: intl.stagecrowd.live/9881228931​ 🔻bilibili: live.bilibili.com/activity/live-… #NIJISANJI_EN
Lama tak jumpa! Kami kembali untuk mengumumkan bahwa @Hana_Macchia @ZEA_Cornelia dan @Taka_Radjiman akan hadir di Open Stage #NIJIFes2022! 🥳 Open Stage akan ditampilkan lewat Channel YouTube NIJISANJI Official (JP)! ▼ Special site fes.nijisanji.jp #にじフェス2022 twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
Good morning everyone 🥺❤️ HAPPY #NIJIFes2022 #LazuLight & #Hana_Macchia 3D ANNOUNCEMENT !!! I’M SO EXCITED !!
The Open Stage will be live streamed on the NIJISANJI official YouTube channel (JP)! More info coming soon... ▼Special site fes.nijisanji.jp #NIJIFes2022 #にじフェス2022
Bukan hanya itu, @Hana_Macchia juga akan tampil pada pertunjukan 3D spesial bersama @EliraPendora @PomuRainpuff @FinanaRyugu di #NIJIFes2022!! 🎉 #にじフェス2022 twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
⏰Day 2 Time Schedule ⏰ Get ready for an exciting #NIJIFes2022 Day 2✨ ⌚09:45-10:15 JST 🌟Daylight Dimension Dive🕶🌟 ⌚11:30-12:00 JST 🌟Rainbow roulette 🌈 ⌚14:15-14:45 JST 🌟KR Party Game! ⌚16:15-16:45 JST 🌟Anisong Time!🎤🎶 #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…
Catch ✨live updates✨ of #NIJIFes2022 on NIJISANJI EN Official Instagram stories!! 🔻NIJISANJI EN Official Instagram: instagram.com/nijisanji_en #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN
⏰Day 1 Time Schedule ⏰ Get ready for an exciting #NIJIFes2022 Day 1✨ ⌚09:45-10:15 JST 🌟Mix Japan Quiz🎌 ⌚12:45-13:15 JST 🌟VirtuaReal 3D🎤🎶 ⌚13:30-14:00 JST 🌟Drawing Time!🎨🖌 #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…
Mendengar permintaan kalian, kami telah membuat publik bagian khusus untuk "Virtual to LIVE" di segmen "Anisong Time!" dari #NIJIFes2022! Terima kasih atas dukungan kalian untuk Liver-Liver NIJISANJI dari mancanegara yang tampil pada segmen ini! ▶️ youtu.be/px9RClHGzdQ
#NIJIFes2022 Tickets✨ Don't forget to grab your tickets on Stagecrowd & bilibili! 🔻Stagecrowd: intl.stagecrowd.live/9881228931​ 🔻bilibili: live.bilibili.com/activity/live-… twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…
Terkait penampilan Liver di #NIJIFes2022 Kami ingin menyampaikan perubahan di Open Stage NIJIFes terkait Liver dari Indonesia, Korea, VirtuaReal, dan NIJISANJI EN. Kami mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya untuk semua fans yang menantikan penampilan Liver kami.
Terkait situasi dunia saat ini, ada kemungkinan penampilan beberapa Liver dari Korea, Indonesia, VirtuaReal, atau NIJISANJI EN di Open Stage #NIJIFes2022 akan dibatalkan. Kami mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya atas hal tersebut, dan kami mohon pengertiannya dari semua pengunjung. twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
【NIJIFes2022 오픈 스테이지 출연 발표】 이번 NIJIFes2022에 @SuhaMin2434 @NariYang2434 @Seffyna2434 @NaSera2434 @HaYun2434가 참가하게 되었습니다🥳 오픈 스테이지는 니지산지 공식 채널을 통해 공개될 예정입니다! ▼ 사이트 링크 fes.nijisanji.jp #NIJIFes2022 #にじフェス2022 twitter.com/nijisanji_app/…
#NIJIFes2022 참가 라이버에 대하여】 인도네시아・한국 라이버, VirtuaReal, NIJISANJI EN 멤버의 오픈 스테이지 참가에 대하여 최근의 정세에 관련된 불가항력으로 인하여 변경이 있습니다. 걱정과 폐를 끼쳐드려 대단히 죄송합니다. 아무쪼록 이해해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.