#MuramotoTakahashi 🇯🇵 about their performance at #NHKTrophy in mixed zone: M: “In front of the Japanese audience, we got into the character.” T: “In the second half I felt (the exhaustion) in my legs, so I wasn't able to put a lot of expressions into my program.”
#TomokiHiwataschi 🇺🇸 185.05: flying high during his amazing split jump! 💪🏻 He started off strongly with two quads but the energy left him towards the end of his skate. You have it in yourself, Tomoki! Believe in yourself! 💪🏻 #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
What a great come back! 💪🏻 #JunhwanCha 🇰🇷 #차준환 Amazing performance! 254.76 #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
#ShomaUno 🇯🇵 #宇野昌磨 279.76 - wow, with the exeption of the planed 4F a clean program for the World Champion who receives standing ovations! 👏🏻 That will be hard to beat! 💪🏻 #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
#SotaYamamoto 🇯🇵 #山本草太 257.85 starts his program with 3 amazing quads and secures the 🥈! We will see you in Torino 🇮🇹👏🏻! #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
The men’s results at #NHKTrophy #GPFigure: 🥇#ShomaUno 🇯🇵 #宇野昌磨 279.76 🥈#SotaYamamoto 🇯🇵 #山本草太257.85 🥉#JunhwanCha 🇰🇷 #차준환 254.76
#KazukiTomono 🇯🇵 #友野一希 finishes in 4th place with 251.83, here’s what he said in the mixed zone after his Free Skate: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
Fly high, #ShomaUno 🇯🇵 #宇野昌磨 😊 Nice lift there after the medal ceremony by coach #StéphaneLambiel and his physiotherapist. #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
“In Champéry I do more off ice training than in Japan, for example balett and physical training!” #ShomaUno 🇯🇵 #宇野昌磨 #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
After the victory ceremony, Shoma talking to Keiji (and Stéphane in the back) 表彰式後、カメラを持つ田中刑事さんに話をする宇野昌磨選手、衝撃的な裏話が…(後ろにはステファンコーチがちらり) #GPFigure #NHKTrophy #NHK杯フィギュア #FS instagram.com/p/ClJQlkzJnQA
Winners at the #NHKTrophy this weekend in Sapporo, Japan were Shoma Uno for the men; Kim Ye-Lim for the women; Riku Miura & @ryuichi_kihara in pairs; and Canadians Laurence Fournier Beaudry & Nikolaj Sorensen in dance! 📷: @ISU_Figure #GPFigure
From Satoko Miyahara’s blog “He explains he’s surprised to see this wall looking like 3D and the design is beautiful” 宮原知子さんのブログより 「この壁が3Dに見えて、びっくりしたこと、デザインが素敵だということを説明してくださっています」 #GPFigure #NHKTrophy #NHK杯フィギュア
Fantasy on Ice 2023 Keiji Tanaka 🇯🇵 2016 #NHKTrophy 🥉 Program: "Run Boy Run" by Woodkid ファンタジー・オン・アイス #田中刑事 #KeijiTanaka #FaOI #FantasyonIce #FigureSkating @deka_1122 GS Fan Fest🗨️ bit.ly/KTanaka
ISUグランプリシリーズ2023/24の各大会の出場選手が発表されました。 詳細は下記をご覧ください。 isu.org/figure-skating… #GPFigure #FigureSkating #NHKTrophy #アサイン決定
ISUグランプリシリーズ2023/24の各大会の出場選手が発表されました。 詳細は下記をご覧ください。 ※先ほどのツイートに誤りがありましたので再掲載いたします。 isu.org/figure-skating… #GPFigure #FigureSkating #NHKTrophy #アサイン決定