America is waking up! Michigan resident Marjorie Steele, who voted for Governor Whitmer @GovWhitmer , is speaking loudly against the Chinese EV battery plant near Big Rapids. CCP ≠ China; CCP ≠ Chinese People. The 600 million + Chinese people from the #NFSC are working… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
More and more patriotic Americans are joining the #NFSC to fight the Chinses Communist Party (CCP) and its influence and presence in America. Want to know why? check out this video below. @jeremy_herrell twitter.com/drizzling123/s…
Dear Mr. Jordan, please investigate Miles Guo's legal cases in the U.S. Congress, and you can clean the U.S. Justice System in less than 90 days. We, #NFSC, have the receipts and leads on the CCP's controlled and compromised attorneys, public prosecutors, judges, DOJ, FBI, and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…