I vote #LISA of #BLACKPINK        for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
🗳NETIZENS REPORT Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf Website Ranking: 2nd Gap: 419 Come on, we managed to close the gap! Vote if you haven't yet, share with others, let's bring JM to the top spot! We vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
[VOTE] Taehyung is Nominated as Asian Celebrity of the Year. The poll will end 5 days before his bday and is a perfect Bday gift Rank on site: 1 Gap: 351 Rank on app: 2 Gap: 5k 🗳 netizensreport.com/vote-asian-cel… I vote #V of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
🔓 200 replies! use different words together to avoid spam: I vote #JIMIN of @BTS_twt at #NETIZENSREPORT for Asian Celebrity of the year #ACOTY2022!
RM3 IS COMING RM3 IS COMING RM3 IS COMING I vote #KimNamjoon #RM of @BTS_twt for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
I vote #LISA of #BLACKPINK         for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
I'm voting for #JIMIN (BTS) for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the year #ACOTY2022
Asian celebrity of the year is the leader of BTS with 200 KOMCA song credits, Grammy nominated artist and art influencer Kim Namjoon I vote #KimNamjoon #RM of @BTS_twt for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
🗳NETIZENS REPORT Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf Website Ranking: 2nd Gap: 58 Team let’s just be consistent in voting on website. We can do it💪 Vote 2x using Wifi/data, all browsers! We are voting #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
I vote #KimTaehyung #V of @BTS_twt for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022
#LISA is nominated for Asian Celebrity of the Year! 🎁 Top 20: NY Timesquare, TV and Radio station announcements, Billboard ADs, Mag cover (print & digital) ‼️ There will be 20 winners here so PLEASE PRIORITIZE MTV EMA ☝🏻 #LISA of #BLACKPINK for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
Ways to vote: Tweet: #LISA of #BLACKPINK for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022 Website (2X in 12hrs) 🔗tinyurl.com/ACOTY2022 APP VOTE: IOS: apple.co/3DiK6t6 Android: bit.ly/3FzpT5k Voting ends December 25, 2022.
Give us 327 rt & replies with tags please for Asian Celebrity of the Year voting 🙌 #LISA of #BLACKPINK for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
#LISA is nominated for Asian Celebrity of the Year ✨ 🎁 Top 20: NY Timesquare, TV and Radio station announcements, Billboard ADs, Mag cover (print & digital) ‼️ There will be 20 winners here so PLEASE PRIORITIZE MTV EMA ☝🏻 #LISA of #BLACKPINK for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
Retweet and reply! #LISA of #BLACKPINK for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022 I choose #LALISA, #MONEY & #SG as my #HotTrendingSongs
Kim Jongin (KAI) is nominated for Asian Celebrity Of The Year (ACOTY 2022) ✨ 🔗 Kim Jongin (#KAI) of EXO! #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022 🔗netizensreport.com/vote-asian-cel… * check photos for how to vote and winners rewards!
แจก 20/2 🎉🎉🎉 กติกา รีทิวต + เมนชั่นติดแท็กข้างล่าง👇🏻 I vote #JUNGKOOK of @BTS_twt for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
I vote #LISA of #BLACKPINK            for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE
[VOTE] Vote for Taehyung for Asian Celebrity of the Year on both the app and the website Website: Rank: 2 Gap: 1 App: Rank:2 Gap: 6K 🗳 netizensreport.com/vote-asian-cel… Asian Celebrity of the Year: I VOTE #KIMTAEHYUNG FOR #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022
if this tweet reaches your timeline, please reply/quote with "I vote #JIMIN of @BTS_twt for #NETIZENSREPORT as Asian Celebrity of the year #ACOTY2022 #NOMINEE"
🗳NETIZENS REPORT Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf Website Rank: 2nd Gap: 945 App Rank: 1st Gap: 5,876 We are leading in app so make a huge gap there & vote in website to bring JM to the top! We vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT #ACOTY2022