230426 [CHARTS] NCT 127 "Ay-Yo- The 4th Album Repackage" has ranked at #39 on Billboard Top Albums Sales Chart for the week of April 23rd to 29th, 2023! This is their 7th week on the chart. @NCTsmtown_127 #NCT127_Ay_Yo #NCT127
230426 [CHARTS] NCT 127 albums have ranked on Billboard Top Current Albums Sales Chart for the week of April 23rd to 29th, 2023 at : ▪︎ #25 : Ay-Yo (7 weeks*) ▪︎ #77 : 2 Baddies (31 weeks*) * ongoing @NCTsmtown_127 #NCT127_Ay_Yo #NCT127 #2Baddies
御尊顔サムネまとめ #YUTA #유타 #ユウタ #中本悠太 #NCT127_Ay_Yo