[#아이돌라디오 앨범 20200511] ep#587. 전지적솔로시점 스페셜 DJ 우주소녀 엑시&수빈 with.하진,달수빈,나띠 #IDOLRADIO #우주소녀 #WJSN #엑시 #수빈 #하진 #HaJin #달수빈 #dalsooobin #나띠 #NATTY
[NineTeen A or B] 19. 생크림 or 초코 0530! 나띠, 19번째 생일 축하해 🎂🎉🎁 0530! Happy 19th birthday, NATTY! 🎂🎉🎁 나띠(NATTY) - NINETEEN MV >> youtu.be/rQpWdm5zHOU #나띠 #NATTY #NT #NineTeen @NToffcl_twt
GASP! Could it be?? It is!! It's #NATTY and she's finally come to fulfill her dreams of becoming a singer at #NINETEEN! 🎉🎉Come watch Natty spread her wings and conquer the stage on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST today!
[NineTeen A or B] 5. 청순 or 힙합 청순한 나띠 vs 힙한 나띠! 둘 다 맘에 들어 💜 Which one does NATTY like girlish NATTY or powerful NATTY? I like both ♥ 나띠(NATTY) - NINETEEN MV >> youtu.be/rQpWdm5zHOU #나띠 #NATTY #NT #NineTeen @NToffcl_twt
[NineTeen A or B] 2. 평생 피자만 or 평생 치킨만 나띠가 더 좋아하는건 피자 or 치킨? Which one does NATTY like pizza or chicken? 나띠(NATTY) - NINETEEN MV >> youtu.be/rQpWdm5zHOU #나띠 #NATTY #NT #NineTeen @NToffcl_twt
[Looking For NINETEEN Girls] We are looking for #NINETEENGIRLS who can join 'NineTeen' with 나띠(NATTY) Please check the details on YouTube. Participate in Natty's NINETEENGIRLS Cover Dance Challenge ☞ youtu.be/m9-8TLdzceY #NINETEENChallenge #NINETEEN #NATTY #나띠 #나인틴
[#아이돌라디오 앨범 20200511] ep#587. 전지적솔로시점 스페셜 DJ 우주소녀 엑시&수빈 with.하진,달수빈,나띠 #IDOLRADIO #나띠 #NATTY