I'm so exciting to announce this to everyone!! The NFL latte art I drew has appeared in this season's TV show as well as the previous season 😳✨ Which team will be on top this season? I'm so looking forward to it !!☺️ #NFL #TOPS #NFL_Latteart
I'm so exciting to announce this to everyone🤭✨ ↓↓↓↓ 4 latte arts that I made will air on ''Super Bowl Show'' on CBS on the Feb 7 at 11:30 AM ET. Please look👀 #NFL #TOPS #SuperBowl #NFL_Latteart (This is a video that was broadcast in the past)
🏈チーフス vs バッカニアーズ🏈  パトリック·マホームズ vs トム·ブレイディ #SuperBowl #NFL_Latteart