水着ヒカリちゃん #ゼノブレイド2 #Mythra
Yomi25 Fanbox Request #1 Thank you #Xenoblade2 #Mythra #Lastorigin #Redlotus #高垣楓
ヒカリ(ゼノブレイド2) #ヒカリ #ゼノブレイド2 #Xenoblade2 #Mythra
毎回こういう目にあってそう #Mythra #XenobladeChronicles2 #ヒカリ #ゼノブレイド2
こうすりゃええんやろ的なwip #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles2 #ヒカリ #Mythra
今年と去年の水着ヒカリちゃん #ゼノブレイド2 #Mythra
I think the translation is even more poorly done this time than usual. I tried to do my best, but perhaps I may have made a manga whose intent was not clear. Still, I hope you enjoyed it as much as possible. #XenobladeChronicles2 #Pyra #Mythra
夏のヒカリちゃん🌻✨ #Mythra
チアリーダーのヒカリを描きました。 次は3のキャラを描きたい‼︎ #ゼノブレイド3 #XenobladeChronicles2 #ゼノブレイド2 #Xenoblade2 #XenobladeChronicles3 #Mythra
I drew this from my imagination of the addition of Pyra and Mythra as instructors exclusively for Rex in "Fitness Boxing". With these two instructors, I feel like he can do my best in any fitness program. #XenobladeChronicles2 #Pyra #Mythra
Looking at Smash Bros. it doesn't seem that Pyra isn't good at sports. But I drew this manga with the hope that if she isn't good at it, that would be cute. #XenobladeChronicles2 #Pyra #Mythra
Highschool AU of XenobladeChronicles2. In this world, Rex will surely have a fulfilling student life. #XenobladeChronicles2 #Pyra #Mythra
多くは語りませんがゼノブレイド"3"のホムラヒカリの2人を描きました #XenobladeChronicles2 #ゼノブレイド2 #Xenoblade2 #Mythra #XenobladeChronicles3 #ゼノブレイド3