96.6M left to 1B. 💪 We'll be there in 78 days at this rate. Let's keep at it !! #MyUniverseTo1B open.spotify.com/playlist/0F3De…
97.8M streams left to reach 1B💪💪 I'm leaving this PL on before going to bed tonight. It's got MU, Fake Love, songs in line for 300M, 500M, 700M and 7 reps of a recent release for each member. #MyUniverseTo1B #FakeLoveTo700M open.spotify.com/playlist/7thoD…
AAAAMMMIIIIIIIII!!! Less than 100M, now the real countdown starts, yayyyy!!! 🥳🥳 Lessssgooooo!!!! 🙏 stream MyUniverse-inclusive playlists on Spotify. Let's get it to 1.3M streams/day. It's only 100K more. #MyUniverseTo1B