[#Mwave Shop] You can buy #PENTAGON's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! Don't miss this chance! 💿Product : SIGNED PENTAGON 10th MINI ALBUM 'WE:TH' 🎁Gift : Signed PENTAGON Polaroid for 16 Customers (Random Draw) ➡️ bit.ly/scd_PENTAGON @CUBE_PTG #펜타곤 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] You can buy #SF9's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! Don't miss this chance! ❤️ 💿Product : SIGNED SF9 SPECIAL ALBUM 'SPECIAL HISTORY BOOK' 🎁Gift : Signed SF9 Polaroid, All member signed version through random draw ➡️ bit.ly/SCD_SF9_SPECIA… @SF9official #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] You can buy #PENTAGON's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! Don't miss this chance! 💿Product : SIGNED PENTAGON 10th MINI ALBUM 'WE:TH' 🎁Gift : Signed PENTAGON Polaroid for 16 Customers (Random Draw) ➡️ bit.ly/scd_PENTAGON @CUBE_PTG #펜타곤 #WE_TH #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave MEET&GREET] SIGNED #Weeekly 2nd MINI ALBUM [We can] 🛒Signed CD: bit.ly/scd_Weeekly Weeekly will visit Mwave MEET&GREET in Nov 4, 6PM(KST)! 🎬MEET&GREET: bit.ly/mng_Weeekly Weeekly is waiting for you❣ @_Weeekly #위클리 #We_can #Mwaveshop #MEETnGREET
[#Mwave shop] Unboxing Signed #SF9 'SPECIAL HISTORY BOOK'💿 ▶All CDs are signed by SF9❣️ ▶Buy Now($26.99) : bit.ly/SCD_SF9_SPECIA… @SF9official #에스에프나인 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Message from #PENTAGON PENTAGON's message to UNIVERSE has just arrived!📬💕 Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/scd_PENTAGON @CUBE_PTG #펜타곤 #WE_TH #PENTAGON_Daisy #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Message from #PENTAGON PENTAGON's message to UNIVERSE has just arrived!📬💕 Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/scd_PENTAGON @CUBE_PTG #펜타곤 #WE_TH #PENTAGON_Daisy #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave shop] Unboxing Signed #PENTAGON 'WE:TH' Album💿 ▶All CDs are signed by PENTAGON❤️ ▶Buy Now($25.99~$51) : bit.ly/scd_PENTAGON Only 1 day left!⏰ @CUBE_PTG #펜타곤 #WE_TH #데이지 #Daisy #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave MEET&GREET] Message from #Weeekly You'll definitely have a great time with Weeekly at MEET&GREET soon! 💓 📺: bit.ly/mng_Weeekly Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿: bit.ly/scd_Weeekly @_Weeekly #위클리 #MEETnGREET #밋앤그릿
[#Mwave Shop] Message from #VERIVERY VERIVERY's message to VERRER has just arrived! Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_VRVR @the_verivery #베리베리 #FACE_US #GBTB
[#Mwave Shop] Message from #P1Harmony P1Harmony's message has just arrived! 📬💕 Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_P1Harmony @P1H_official #피원하모니
[#Mwave Shop] You can buy E'LAST's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! Don't miss this chance!💘 💿Product : SIGNED E'LAST 2nd MINI ALBUM 'Awake' 🎁Gift : Signed E'LAST Polaroid for 14 Customers (Random Draw) ➡️ bit.ly/SCD_ELAST @ELASTofficial #ELAST #엘라스트 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Mwave ShopにてE'LASTの直筆サイン入りCDを購入できます。このチャンスを逃さないでください!💘 💿商品:SIGNED E'LAST 2nd MINI ALBUM 'Awake' 🎁特典:E'LAST直筆サイン入りポラロイド14種(ランダム) ➡️ bit.ly/SCD_ELAST @ELASTofficial #ELAST #엘라스트 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Mwave Shopにて #GFRIEND の直筆サイン入りCDを購入できます。💝 💿商品:SIGNED GFRIEND 3rd ALBUM '回:Walpurgis Night' 🎁特典:GFRIEND直筆サイン入りポラロイド12種(ランダム) ➡️ bit.ly/scd_GFRD @GFRDofficial #여자친구 #回_Walpurgis_Night #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave shop] Unboxing #P1Harmony 'DISHARMONY : STAND OUT’ Album💿 ▶All CDs are signed by P1Harmony❣ ▶Buy Now ($25.99) : bit.ly/SCD_P1Harmony Only 1 day left!⏰ @P1H_official #피원하모니 #P1H #SIREN #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Message from E'LAST E'LAST's message to ELRING has just arrived! 📬💕 Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_ELAST @ELASTofficial #ELAST #엘라스트 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] E'LASTからのメッセージ ELRINGに送るE'LASTからのメッセージが届きました!📬💕 MwaveshopでE'LASTの直筆サイン入りCDを手に入れるチャンス! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_ELAST @ELASTofficial #ELAST #엘라스트 #Mwaveshop
[#Mwave Shop] Message from IZ*ONE #IZONE's message to WIZ*ONE has just arrived! 📬❣️ Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/scd_IZONE @official_izone #아이즈원 #Onereeler #Panorama
[#Mwave Shop] IZ*ONEからのメッセージ WIZ*ONEに送る #IZONE からのメッセージが届きました! 📬❣️ #Mwaveshop でIZ*ONEの直筆サイン入りCDを手に入れるチャンス! 💿 : bit.ly/scd_IZONE @official_izone #아이즈원 #アイズワン #Onereeler #Panorama
[#Mwave Shop] Message from Cherry Bullet #CherryBullet's message to LULLET has just arrived! 📬❣️ Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_CherryBull… @cherrybullet #체리블렛 #CherryRush #LoveSoSweet
[#Mwave MEET&GREET] Message from #CIX You'll definitely have a great time with @CIX_Official at MEET&GREET soon! 🎬 : bit.ly/MNG_CIX Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_CIX #씨아이엑스 #MEETnGREET #밋앤그릿
[#Mwave Shop] Message from LEE SEUNG HYUB (J.DON) #JDON's message to N.Fia has just arrived! 📬❣️ Here you have a chance to get his hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_JDON @NFlyingofficial #이승협 #LEESEUNGHYUB #ON_THE_TRACK #Clicker
[#Mwave Shop] Message from VERIVERY #VERIVERY's message to VERRER has just arrived! 📬❣️ Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_ROUND1HALL @the_verivery #베리베리 #Get_Away
[#Mwave Shop] Message from WOODZ #WOODZ's message to MOODZ has just arrived! 📬❣️ Here you have a chance to get his hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/SCD_WOODZ @c_woodzofficial #우즈 #조승연 #SΣT #FEEL_LIKE
[#Mwave MEET&GREET] Message from #Weeekly You'll definitely have a great time with Weeekly at MEET&GREET soon! 💓 📺: bit.ly/MNG_Weplay Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿: bit.ly/SCD_Weplay @_Weeekly #위클리 #MEETnGREET #밋앤그릿