[#Mwave shop] You can buy #P1Harmony ’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product: P1Harmony – 5th Mini Album [HARMONY : SET IN] 🎁Event 1: Signed Polaroid to 12 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2: 1 out of 6 types of photo cards (Random Draw) ➡ bit.ly/P1HARMONY_SETIN
[#Mwave shop] JUST Bからのメッセージ ONLY Bに送る #JUSTB からのメッセージが届きました!📬💕 #Mwaveshop で JUST Bの直筆サイン入りCDを手に入れるチャンス! 💿 : bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB
[#Mwave shop] Message from JUST B #JUSTB ’s message to ONLY B has just arrived! 📬❣ Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB
[#Mwave shop] JUST B Selfie for ONLY B📷 📍Sales Period : ~ November 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB #저스트비 #임지민 #LIMJIMIN #전도염 #DY #JM
[#Mwave shop] JUST B Selfie for ONLY B📷 📍Sales Period : ~ November 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB #저스트비 #김상우 #SANGWOO #배인 #Bain #이건우 #GEONU
[#Mwave shop] Message from ATBO #ATBO ’s message to BOAT has just arrived! 📬❣ Here you have a chance to get their hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING @ATBO_ground #ATBO
[#Mwave shop] ATBO Selfie for BOAT📷 📍Sales Period : ~ November 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING #ATBO #에이티비오 #정승환 #JeongSeunghwan #김연규 #KimYeonkyu #원빈 #WonBin
[#Mwave shop] ATBO Selfie for BOAT📷 📍Sales Period : ~ November 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING #ATBO #에이티비오 #오준석 #OhJunseok #류준민 #RyuJunmin #배현준 #BaeHyunjun #석락원 #SeokRakwon
[#Mwave shop] This is how #ATBO Signed [The Beginning : 始作] album 💿 ATBO is signing their album for Mwave customers! ❣️ ➡Shop Now (only until November 27❗): bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING #ATBO
[#Mwave shop] NINE.i Selfie for i.ENIN📷 📍Sales Period : ~ November 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/NINEi_IPART1 #NINEi
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #JUSTB ’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED JUST B – 3rd Mini Album [= (NEUN)] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid to 12 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2 : 1 out of 6 types of photo cards (Random Draw) ➡ bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB
[#Mwave shop] Unboxing #ATBO [The Beginning : 始作] Album💿 ▶All CDs are signed by ATBO💘 ▶Buy Now ($26.99~$53) : bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING @ATBO_ground #ATBO
[#Mwave shop] #TEMPEST の直筆サイン入りCDを購入できます。 💿商品: SIGNED TEMPEST – 3rd Mini Album [ON and ON] 🎁イベント1: 購入者の中から14人を抽選し‘TEMPEST’ サイン入りポラロイド写真をプレゼント。 🎁イベント2: フォトカード7種のうち1種ランダム贈呈。 ➡️ bit.ly/TEMPEST_ONANDON
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #TEMPEST's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED TEMPEST – 3rd Mini Album [ON and ON] 🎁Event 1: Signed Polaroid to 14 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2: 1 out of 7 types of photo cards (Random Draw) ➡️bit.ly/TEMPEST_ONANDON
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #ATBO’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product: SIGNED ATBO – 2nd Mini Album [The Beginning : 始作] 🎁Event 1: Signed Polaroid to 14 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2: 1 out of 7 types of photo cards (Random Draw) ➡️ bit.ly/ATBO_BEGINNING
[#Mwave shop] JO YURI Selfie for GLASSY📷 📍Sales Period : ~ October 27, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/JOYURI_WALTZ #JOYURI
[#Mwave shop] #JUSTB の直筆サイン入りCDを購入できます。 💿商品: SIGNED JUST B – 3rd Mini Album [= (NEUN)] 🎁イベント1: 購入者の中から12人を抽選し‘JUST B’ サイン入りポラロイド写真をプレゼント。 🎁イベント2: フォトカード6種のうち1種ランダム贈呈。 ➡ bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #JUSTB ’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED JUST B – 3rd Mini Album [= (NEUN)] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid to 12 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2 : 1 out of 6 types of photo cards (Random Draw) ➡ bit.ly/JUSTB_NEUN #JUSTB
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #JOYURI’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product: SIGNED JO YURI - [Op.22 Y - Waltz : in Minor] 🎁Event 1: Signed Polaroid to 6 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2: 1 out of 2 types of photo cards (Random) ➡ bit.ly/JOYURI_WALTZ #JOYURI
[#Mwave shop] Message from N.Flying #NFlying ’s message to N.Fia has just arrived! 📬❣ Here you have a chance to get a hand-signed CD on #Mwaveshop! 💿 : bit.ly/NFLYING_DEAREST @NFlyingofficial #NFlying #Dearest
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #NFlying's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED N.Flying – 8th Mini Album [Dearest] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid for 10 Customers (Random Draw) 🎁Event 2 : Artist comment event (10/18~10/31) ➡bit.ly/NFLYING_DEAREST #NFlying #Dearest
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #Kep1er’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED Kep1er – 3rd Mini Album [TROUBLESHOOTER] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid for 18 Customers (Random Draw) 🎁Event 2 : 1 out of 9 types of the photo cards ➡ bit.ly/SCD_TROUBLESHO…#Kep1er
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #JOYURI’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product: SIGNED JO YURI - [Op.22 Y - Waltz : in Minor] 🎁Event 1: Signed Polaroid to 6 randomly selected purchasers 🎁Event 2: 1 out of 2 types of photo cards (Random) ➡ bit.ly/JOYURI_WALTZ #JOYURI
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #NFlying's hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED N.Flying – 8th Mini Album [Dearest] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid for 10 Customers (Random Draw) 🎁Event 2 : Artist comment event to be held ➡bit.ly/NFLYING_DEAREST #NFlying #Dearest
[#Mwave shop] You can buy #Kep1er’s hand-signed CDs on Mwave Shop! 💿Product : SIGNED Kep1er – 3rd Mini Album [TROUBLESHOOTER] 🎁Event 1 : Signed Polaroid for 18 Customers (Random Draw) 🎁Event 2 : 1 out of 9 types of the photo cards ➡ bit.ly/SCD_TROUBLESHO… #Kep1er