#Moonbyul #문별 #ムンビョル #문별이보세요 2nd Single Album [C.I.T.T (Cheese in the Trap)] 2022.04.28 6PM (KST) RELEASE✔ #MoonByul #C_I_T_T #Cheese_in_the_Trap
📰#Mamamoo #Moonbyul, additional concept photo for new single ‘C.I.T.T.’ revealed.. kitsch vibe + lovely mood In the photo released, Moon Byul showed off her nerdy beauty (nerd + beauty) with pigtails & retro glasses. C.I.T.T (Cheese in the Trap) will be released on the 28th
📰 ‘Comeback’ #Mamamoo #Moonbyul, new song ‘C.I.T.T.’ concept photo revealed… transformation into a rockstar ‘C.I.T.T (Cheese in the Trap)’ is Moonbyul’s new challenge, being a dance genre song with punk rock sound. Attention is paid to Moonbyul’s transformation into a rockstar
[#마보베/5회] #마마무 #문별 도 반할(?) 준비완료 ♬ #청혼 (원곡: #노을 #Noel) - 이종원, 양준범, 이재호, 이우빈, 노혜성 @오프닝👉tv.naver.com/v/26394026#마이보이프렌드이즈베러〉 매주 (금) 밤 10시 20분 본방송 #커플 #사랑 #돈 #노래 #투자 #Moonbyul #Mnet #엠넷
📰‘Comeback D-1’ #Moonbyul, new song ‘C.I.T.T’ MV teaser revealed Along with the addictive point choreography above the rocking sound, part of the lyrics “You’re caught in the trap, you fell for me” raises expectations for the song Release 2022.04.28 6pm KST #문별 @RBW_MAMAMOO
📰 #Moonbyul’s new album C.I.T.T(Cheese in the Trap) will be released today (28th) 6pm KST. ‘Solo Queen’ is coming back You can look forward to feeling Moonbyul's unrivaled identity that shows the aspect of ‘all-rounder’ that encompasses rap, performance & vocals
‘My Moon’ which is a B-side in the album, is a medium-tempo R&B song based on acoustic sound & is a song written by #Moonbyul for fans. Like Moonbyul’s another half, it is a lovely & romantic confession song that contains her sincerity to fans who always stay in the same place
GQ: We’ve interviewed her after 6equence promotions ended. That time, she said it’s good to be busy & wanted to release her next album as soon as possible. She kept that promise. It’s said that people follow their names, #Moonbyul is becoming a ‘person who twinkles like a star’
🐹 Hello this is Moonbyul! For those who are curious of Cheese in the Trap's special stage, let's meet at 1theK Special Clip tomorrow. Bye!! #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
Q. Every time you release a solo album, you’ve broken your best record. I’ve predicted that you’ll achieve a career high for this comeback. What are your goals? A. It’s not my goal to always achieve career high, I hope that more people are paying more attention to ‘#Moonbyul
Hanteo Realtime Album Chart (22.04.28, 5:32pm) 🥇#1 - C.I.T.T Cheese in The Trap, Jerry Ver. (21,259 copies) ⬆️ #3 - C.I.T.T Cheese in the Trap, Trap Ver. (19,719 copies) #4 - C.I.T.T Cheese in the Trap, Cheese Ver, (19,649 copies) TOTAL: 60,627 copies ✨️ #문별 #Moonbyul
Some of C.I.T.T photocards 💘 Credits to @/Moonybyul23 (Weibo) 🔗m.weibo.cn/6598623665/476… #Cheese_in_the_Trap MOONBYUL IS CHEESE #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
C.I.T.T MV has English Subtitles available!! 🔗youtu.be/xf3OzncHmfE #Cheese_in_the_Trap MOONBYUL IS CHEESE #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
C.I.T.T (Cheese in the Trap) 🪤 🔸️MV Director: Bae Myunghyeon @ ZANYBROS 🔸️Photographers: Kim Taegu, Lee sujin, Lee Hyunjin @ LAD Studio 🔸️Choreography by Kim Yeji, Kim Dohee @ 1MILLION #Cheese_in_the_Trap MOONBYUL IS CHEESE #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
[☆ 별블 ☆] (Byul-ble) Board has been newly added in MMM Fancafe ✨️ #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
220428 candyz_hyojung IG 📸 This album cover is so cute ❤❤ @/mo_onbyul #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul #효정 #Hyojung @RBW_MAMAMOO @WM_OHMYGIRL
220428 hi_sseulgi IG Story 📸 @/mo_onbyul All of it is Chee~~~~se 💛💛 I want to run and play.. 💕 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul #슬기 #Seulgi @RBW_MAMAMOO @RVsmtown
Cheese in the Trap Choreo Main Point 🥰 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
🐹: As your fellow solo artist, I am grateful for the encouragement and motivation we gave for each other. It gave me strength to be able to talk to all of you like this. We can do this! I am cheering on us! Hwaiting! #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
220428 Cheese in the Trap Ending Fairy 💚🪤 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
Moonbyul with the girls at the front (middle) and guys at back (sides) 👭🏻👬 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
Youngjae: The album preorders surpassed 80,000 copies. Congratulations Moonbyul-ssi! 👏🏻 I want to make a comeback too 😂 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO
Naver Vibe Party Room with Moonbyul after OUTNOW tonight 🐹🧀 #마마무 #MAMAMOO #문별 #Moonbyul @RBW_MAMAMOO