#열여덟의순간 Moments of 18 #우리오제 short appearance in today's 56th BAEKSANG Arts Award 2020 ~ Kids Performance lyrics 🎤 "우리 힘껏 웃어요" Laugh as much as we can 💜 #ASTRO #MoonBin #아스트로 #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
behind photos 2 from ASTRO Stress Things.. Cha Eun Woo.. 220104 @offclASTRO #ASTRO | #アストロ | #아스트로 #MJ | #엠제이 | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
May 2021 Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Ranking (April15 - May15, 2021).. Cha Eun Woo is ranked at number 2.. also on the list are: #MoonBin at no.40 #Rocky at no.81 🔗gpkorea.com/news/articleVi… CONGRATULATIONS! 210515 #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #아스트로 | #ASTRO #문빈 | #라키
can't wait to hear the songs from your new album @offclASTRO .. and thanks for serving us very nice visuals from all of you.. 210322 #ASTRO #アストロ #아스트로 #MJ #엠제이 #JinJin #진진 #ChaEunWoo #차은우 #MoonBin #문빈 #Rocky #라키 #YoonSanHa #윤산하
📍12월 개인랭킹 투표 우승자 #아스트로 #문빈 뉴욕 타임스퀘어 시안 공개 (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ #ASTRO #MoonBin 's New York Times Square ad draft has been finalized ❤️ <뉴욕 타임스퀘어> 🗽일정 / Date : 추후 공지 🗽위치 / Location : W 43rd St, 4 Times Square, NY twitter.com/THEK___KING/st…
Cha Eun Woo photo on KCON:TACT 4 U Show Day 2 review.. 210630 @offclASTRO #ASTRO | #アストロ | #아스트로 #MJ | #엠제이 | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
ASTRO AROHA Festival [Gate6] 2022 behind the scene waiting room photos.. Cha Eun Woo.. 220429 @offclASTRO #ASTRO | #アストロ | #아스트로 #MJ | #엠제이 | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
thank you and congratulations, @offclASTRO on this very memorable successful era.. AROHA will always be here for you.. take care and rest well .. 210815 #ASTRO | #아스트로 #MJ | | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
#ASTRO photos on SBS The Show (220524) during their performance of #CandySugarPop .. 220525 @offclASTRO #ASTRO | #アストロ | #아스트로 #MJ | #엠제이 | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
#ASTRO and AROHA did well, we may not have taken the win today but being nominated on Music Core is an achievement.. let's all be happy and fight hard for #아스트로.. 210417 #MJ #엠제이 #JinJin #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa #윤산하
#아스트로 JAPAN Single '가장 좋아하는 사람에게 이별을 말하자' M/V teaser.. 🔗youtu.be/VnuuQaHyAFQ 2022. 11. 30 RELEASE 221024 @offclASTRO #ASTRO | #アストロ #MJ | #엠제이 | #JinJin | #진진 | #ChaEunWoo | #차은우 | #MoonBin | #문빈 | #Rocky | #라키 | #YoonSanHa | #윤산하
ASTRO performed When You Call my Name (2nd song) during the KOREA - UAE KPOP Festival.. 210405 @offclASTRO #ASTRO #アストロ #아스트로 #MJ #엠제이 #JinJin #진진 #ChaEunWoo #차은우 #MoonBin #문빈 #Rocky #라키 #YoonSanHa #윤산하
#ASTRO #MoonBin Weibo 200409 Trans: Hello Everyone. I'm ASTRO Moonbin~ Everyone! My personal Weibo is opened~!! I will show my various charms, please leave me lots of messages~! Bye Bye~~ 🔗weibo.com/tv/v/ICy64bNpu… #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO
#Individual #Ranking #ASTRO #MoonBin 1st in December Once again, congratulations ♡ 🎥 youtube.com/watch?v=v-fbzr… #아스트로 #문빈 #판타지오 #판타지오뮤직 #THEKKING Please refer to the image and the THEKKING notice