恭喜 @barmy_official@moniwar_game 的合作伙伴关系。🎉🎉🎉 两个项目的合作将使 #MoniWar 更接近潜在投资者和用户。🥳🥳🥳 #LaunchZone #Moniwar #BARMY twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
#MoniWar #Metaverse = 遊戲手柄🚀+ #NFT #YieldFarming🧺 + #GameFi #playtoearn🎮 @moniwar_game 為用戶帶來收入,為投資者帶來利潤。 就是为投资者着想! 👉相信这项目能走很久的! twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
#MoniWar (1/4) #Metaverse = #GamePad+ #NFT #YieldFarming + #GameFi #PlayToEarn We bring income to users and profits to investors. #LaunchZone #LZ twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
#MoniWar (2/4) #GamePad - MONI GamePad promotes game incubation and distribution, builds #MONI entertainment meta-universe with various games, and creates a new blockchain game financial. #LaunchZone #LZ
#MoniWar (3/4) #NFT #YieldFarming - The innovative concept of NFT Yield Farming allows NFT collections to be used in Defi Yield farming, which exceptionally enhances NFT collection value! #LaunchZone #LZ
#MoniWar (4/4) #GameFi #PlayToEarn - Focusing on the NFT gaming metaverse, MONI aims to create a new financial system integrated with blockchain and gaming, making the application entertaining and investable. #LaunchZone #LZ
#MoniWar 代币的详细信息: -代币名称: MoniWar -代码: #MOWA -总供应量: 300,000,000 #MOWA -合约地址: 0x411Ec510c85C9e56271bF4E10364Ffa909E685D9 图片的表显示了初始市值、总供应量以及项目如何分配代币以激励 MoniWar 社区的快节奏但可持续发展。 在这里了解更多: docs.moniwar.io/tokenomics twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🌟Whitelist #MoniWar 🟠Access the link:moniwar.lz.finance/?ref_by=O7Yv7x… (PC & Laptop) Copy Link and paste it into your web browser in the Ezdef, Metamask app on your phone 🟠Signup your email 🟠Connect wallet 🟠Go to @thesowerbot type /whitelist select MONIWAR and follow the Bot's request twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
😍Have you joined @moniwar_game's Whitelist yet? 🧐You will miss the opportunity to buy IDO if you ignore this. 🥰Sign up here: moniwar.lz.finance #LZPad - Launchpad of hope. #LaunchZoneWhitelist #MoniWar #PlayToEarn twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🗞️"The Famous Game Moniwar Catching The Wave Of NFT Gaming". ⚡️That's what Yahoo Finance wrote about @moniwar_game. 🤩This is a good sign, as IDO has not launched yet, but favorable factors are drawing a future development fo#MOWAWA. #IDO #MoniWar #NFTGames twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🎶TikTok - A video social networking platform that is very popular with young people. 😍It's amazing that @moniwar_game is also on TikTok, and #Moniwar video game has reached 1.1M views on TikTok Official! 🤩Link to watch: vt.tiktok.com/ZSeduEdNW/ #MoniWar #IDO #NFTGame twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🤩Great to announce that we can register to @moniwar_game's whitelist through @KardiaChain. 👉🏻Link to register: kai-moniwar.lz.finance ⏰Hurry up, time waits for no one. #MoniWar #LZPad #KardiaChainWhitelist twitter.com/KardiaChain/st…
😍Even though it's still a week away from#MOWAA holding an IDO with #LaunchZone. 📢But the news tha#MOWAWA has been listed on @coingecko has made headlines. 🥰This is a signal, signaling a strong development. #MoniWar #LZPad #IDO
👏🏻The attraction of social networks always attracts the attention of the community. 🥰#MoniWar even though it's not out yet. But in terms of hotness, it only loses to #Axie - King of NFTGame. 🙏🏻Hopefully #MoniWar will have a grand opening. #MoniWar #IDO #LaunchZone
👏🏻The attraction of social networks always attracts the attention of the community. 🥰#MoniWar even though it's not out yet. But in terms of hotness, it only loses to #Axie - King of NFTGame. 🙏🏻Hopefully #MoniWar will have a grand opening. #MoniWar #IDO #LaunchZone
👏🏻The attraction of social networks always attracts the attention of the community. 🥰#MoniWar even though it's not out yet. But in terms of hotness, it only loses to #Axie - King of NFTGame. 🙏🏻Hopefully #MoniWar will have a grand opening. #MoniWar #IDO #LaunchZone
#MoniWar - 本月最火爆的 IDO 🚀 通过在 LaunchZone、BSCStation、Kardia Chain 和 JLaunchpad 上推出,Moniwar 有望为投资者带来令人难以置信的 首次亮相。😀 谢谢 @gamefiarmy 的图片,它已帮投资者了解全部关于@moniwar_game 的信息。 🥳 #LaunchZone #Moniwar #GamefiArmy twitter.com/gamefiarmy/sta…
🧐If you are curious about why #MoniWar is so hot. Let's take a look at their partners. 🥰Lots of big platforms, projects, as well as social media influencers. 🙏🏻Hopefully this will be a grand launch. #MoniWar #LaunchZone #IDO
🧐If you are curious about why #MoniWar is so hot. Let's take a look at their partners. 🥰Lots of big platforms, projects, as well as social media influencers. 🙏🏻Hopefully this will be a grand launch. #MoniWar #LaunchZone #IDO
🥰Yes, beyond expectations! 📢The number has increased 74,663 participants after #MoniWar posted the article below. 😍And... Things won't stop here, investors will know more about #MoniWar in the future. #MoniWar twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🥰Yes, beyond expectations! 📢The number has increased 74,663 participants after #MoniWar posted the article below. 😍And... Things won't stop here, investors will know more about #MoniWar in the future. #MoniWar twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🥰Yes, beyond expectations! 📢The number has increased 74,663 participants after #MoniWar posted the article below. 😍And... Things won't stop here, investors will know more about #MoniWar in the future. #MoniWar twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🥰It seems that IDO projects from #LaunchZone always get a lot of attention. 🙏🏻And thanks to @YahooFinance for writing about #MoniWar with very nice words. 👏🏻Hopefully in the future, they will still support and follow #MoniWar. #MoniWar #IDO #PlayToEarn twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🥰It seems that IDO projects from #LaunchZone always get a lot of attention. 🙏🏻And thanks to @YahooFinance for writing about #MoniWar with very nice words. 👏🏻Hopefully in the future, they will still support and follow #MoniWar. #MoniWar #IDO #PlayToEarn twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🥰It seems that IDO projects from #LaunchZone always get a lot of attention. 🙏🏻And thanks to @YahooFinance for writing about #MoniWar with very nice words. 👏🏻Hopefully in the future, they will still support and follow #MoniWar. #MoniWar #IDO #PlayToEarn twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…