#HongKongPolice Chief Chris Tang says when this pregnant woman was pushed down in #MongKok early this month, not everyone at scene could hear what others say, tho he admitted her husband had shouted loud about the pregnancy. Tang says special arrangement was made to let ......
Police officers are stationed on every block of Sai Yeung Choi Street in #MongKok. People are asked to leave or risk violating social distancing rules. A reporter dressed in all black is being searched.
#MongKok Riot Police has been deployed along both sides of Nathan Road conducting stop and searches targeting young people. #StandWithHongKong
#HongKongPolice has asked a large amount of #HongKong journalists to fall on their knees, asking mainstream media to group together & other web-based or student press to stay elsewhere in #MongKok. The reporters are asked to stop rolling their live streams #HongKongProtests
At least one girl was fined for HK$2,000 for allegedly violating the #HongKong Govt’s public gathering ban, as dozens of #HongKongPolice surrounded a group in busy #MongKok. The people were giving out masks & sanitisers, as their street booth had items of #HongKongProtests
The cop with a loudhailer kept yelling that whoever that refused to continue walking would be stopped for a check in suspicion of unlawful assembly in #MongKok. Where’s the reasonable suspicion though? #HongKongPolice #HongKongProtests twitter.com/jeffielam/stat…
A pharmacy in #MongKok that's one of the few shops that remained open despite the clashes, presumably as it sells materials to first-aiders, has apparently been hit by tear gas #HongKongProtests
"Everyone knows that I am the best and most polite to being with the reporters." - spoken by the commissioner of Police in Hong Kong. [即時] 圍緊旺角警署 lih.kg/1532356 ●source:chinese university student press、我老婆貪我好基因 #press #MongKok #chinazi #LIHKG