#MohammadGhobadlu & #MohamadBroghani have been transferred to solitary confinement and are in imminent danger of execution. Please be their voice.
If you see this tweet, it means you know #MohammadGhobadlu and #MohamadBroghani have been transferred to solitary confinement, and there is a possibility of their execution at any moment. They may not see the sun tomorrow. #MahsaAmini
#MohammadGhobadlu is only 23 years old. He was sentenced to death in a court presided over by Salavati, and a few weeks later this sentence was affirmed in the Islamic Republic’s “Supreme Court.”Mohammad's life is seriously in danger. Please be his voice #StopExecutionsInIran -
#MohammadGhobadlu and #MohamadBroghani have been transferred to solitary confinement for execution.
#MohammadGhobadlu & #MohamadBroghani are innocent. In a shame trial they sentenced to death for no reason & tonight have been transferred to solitary confinement for execution. Please be their voice. #MahsaAmini
#MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadlu, have been transferred to solitary confinement. The Islamic Republic intends to execute them in the morning. Please be their voice. #StopExecutionInIran
#MohammadGhobadlu et #MohamadBroghani ont été transférés à l'isolement carcéral et ils sont en danger imminent d'exécution. Soyez leur voix.
After the temporary suspension of Mohamad Broghani's death sentence, Mohammad Ghobadlu's life is in more danger than before. They may take his precious life any moment and any day. #MohammadGhobadlu is only 22 years old.