A: I think good looking comes from being confident. When you're confident, no matter what you do you'll be good looking (handsome/beautiful) #MileApoxGangnamCream
A: The image in my head is like this, P'Mile will walk like this, and when he walks and slip, he's like a samoyed slipped. #MileApoxGangnamCream
M: When he comes to the set, he'll sit. M: When he comes to the set, he'll sit "paklod" (meditation) and meditate, for 30 mins and he even brings his own mat. #MileApoxGangnamCream
M: I think it has to come from both the inside and the outside. Your inside has to be "good looking" and it will transfer to the outside. MC: What abt P'Apo #MileApoxGangnamCream
The Chinese introduction!!! How cute they are! #MileApoxGangnamCream #Milephakphum #Nnattawin @milephakphum @Nnattawin1
tanwaa IG story update IG: tanwaa 🔗:instagram.com/stories/tanwaa… So cute🥺🥺 @Nnattawin1 #Nnattawin #apocolleagues #MileApoxGangnamCream
𝐀𝐩𝐨 : หายดีแล้วคับ ซ้อมแอคชั่นซีนแล้วลื่นล้มเฉยๆแค่นั่นเอง ไม่มีอะไรคับไม่ต้องเป็นห่วง ผมยังอยู่ให้ทุกคนคิดถึง รอบหลังเธอระวังตัวเองดีๆ นะ เป็นห่วงเธอแทบบ้าเลยตอนนั้น #MileApoxGangnamCream 𓐄 #𝐍𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧 𓃠 @Nnattawin1
A: But I think there's one undeniable thing which is P'Mile's handsomeness. A: He's getting flustered. MC: The fans mostly say you are similar (to your characters) M: Which part? #MileApoxGangnamCream
MileApo testing the product. M: I'll do it on my arm. A: It smells good. M: Don't give it (the joke) to me A: I was going say, he rode the motor bike to work today, so M: I'm warning you not to play this joke #MileApoxGangnamCream
A: Here, I wanna add. It says "under arm" but it can be use all over. It's an area most ppl are not confident in talking about. So I think it all parts is beautiful ppl will be more confident too. #MileApoxGangnamCream
261022 IG story update with Mile and Apo! — 📷 tanwaa #MilePhakphum ; #Nnattawin @milephakphum ; @Nnattawin1 #MileApoxGangnamCream
We want to hear Mile's little secret about the next product.💚👂555 @milephakphum @Nnattawin1 #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: Let's answer some fans' question before the live ends. MC: Apo, is you hand healed? A: It's all healed krub, it was during an action scene run through, don't worry krub. I'm ok. #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: The fans say P'Mile is as cute as he is... he's very flustered, and his smile, sweet and sincere. #MileApoxGangnamCream
Mile teaching Apo to count in Chinese (cute!) Mile's counting up to 10 in Chinese. #MileApoxGangnamCream
A: We're testing the translator's vocabulary skill. M: Please don't hate me (Mile is using difficult words) MC: Then, lets play some game A: It's cute na. M: Do we wear it now? #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: Hello krub A: Which camera krub MC: The main camera here krub M: Which is the main camera MC: The farthest one MC: Sawadee krub. Please greet in Chinese krub #MileApoxGangnamCream
Both introducing themselves in Chinese. MC: Today, the fans are waiting for quite a while. Do you have anything to say to them? M: Very delighted krub to see everyone. See the faces and then we'll keep talking on social media. #MileApoxGangnamCream
A: What does "tui" word mean? MC: Means "yes" it seems like both P'Mile P'Apo wants to speak some Chinese M: We know a bit... A: Actually, we've been waiting to meet the Chinese fans too, and want to tell them that we missed them. #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: The fans love you and we've been a fan. You both are very handsome in real life. Can you talk about your handsomeness, or of each other? #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: The packaging can be put together. MA: Really?! A: So you can buy both, if you buy only one it'll be too lonely. #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: Send some message to the fans. M: Very delighted to come to this live and to see everyone. Have always wanted to come. Ty for all the kindness, love, and support. We'll keep seeing each other in the future. If there's a chance please come visit Thailand #MileApoxGangnamCream
MC: We gave some hints to the fans that our products are a collaboration with BOC, but fans are curious if its only product, but there's more coming, new products A: Have to wait and see. M: Beautiful for sure. #MileApoxGangnamCream