많은 분들이 관심을 가져주시던 <태양의 노래> MD 온라인 샵에 프로그램 북과 에코백이 추가 되었습니다! 5월 31일 오후 2시부터 아래 링크에서 구매하실 수 있습니다✨ 🔗 metatheater.live/info/shop.do #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた #메타씨어터 #MetaTheater #メタシアター
(I drew this referring to the photo.Thank you very much.) He always makes my heart skip a beat…❣️ (৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)💖✨ #SHINee   @SHINee @shinetter #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた #Onew
(I drew this referring to the photo.Thank you very much.) cast a soft light ・:*:・゚ #SHINee   @SHINee @shinetter #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた #Onew
<태양의 노래> VOD 특전영상 종료 안내 (영재/원필) #태양의노래 #MidnightSun
The moment is finally here! Second round of tickets for the musical <Midnight Sun> opens TOMORROW, at 10:00AM KST 😍🎉 Don’t miss the chance to see our new cast pairings, including... ❓🙊 ▫️OPEN : 5/10 10AM KST #White_Tiger_Sighted #sexy_bandit #MidnightSun #태양의노래
두구두구두구~~ 드디어! 뮤지컬 <태양의 노래> 2차 온라인 티켓 예매가 내일 열립니다! 지금까지의 멋진 배우분들과 더불어, 새로 오실 분은 누굴까요? 🙊❤️ 신선한 뉴페어링, 놓치지 마세요! 🎉 ▫️OPEN : 5/10(월) 10AM KST #입구에_섹시한_호랑이발견 #산적섹시_그분 #MidnightSun #태양의노래
#タイヨウのうた】 お知らせ 🌞ミュージカル『タイヨウのうた』🌞 3次オンライン視聴チケット(6.15~7.4)の 受付を開始しました! ▶詳しくは #メタシアター 🔗 MetaTheater.live #태양의노래 #MidnightSun
[D-Day] 'When the sun sets, I'll come see you' The first show of the 2021 Musical <Midnight Sun> is only a few hours away! If you have not purchased your tickets already, hurry! OPEN: 5/1 18:30PM KST *Tickets can be purchased until 1hr before the show #MidnightSun
[#태양의노래] 2021 뮤지컬 태양의 노래 📍MD 일시 품절 안내 - 뱃지(하람-서핑보드) : 온유 - 뱃지(해나-기타) : 케이 재입고시 SNS에 공지될 예정이니 참고 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた #광림아트센터bbch홀 #메타씨어터 #MetaTheater #メタシアター
Program book & Eco bag has been added to MD list of Midnight Sun! Available from May 31 14:00(KST)✨ 🔗 metatheater.live/info/shop.do #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた #메타씨어터 #MetaTheater #メタシアター
🎉🎉Tickets for the 2021 Musical #MidnightSun is finally OPEN! 🎉🎉 And the tickets are going so fast, @MetaTheaterLive is just in awe...🙊💕 If you have not purchased your tickets yet, go secure your spots for the chance to see the show!! 🎟TICKETS: metatheater.live
AND on MetaTheater!! Enjoy #MidnightSun wherever you are, on your bed, at a bar, in a subway, EVERYDAY!!!😍❤️ Get your tickets HERE 🎟️👉 metatheater.live ✨English & Japanese subtitles available✨ twitter.com/broadwaycom/st…
Is everyone ready for the show?! MetaTheater is! 😍 Something you can check out while waiting 👉 New to Online Musical Viewing? Head over to instagram.com/metatheaterliv… for intro & useful information!! 🎟️😎✨ See you soon! #태양의노래 #MidnightSun #タイヨウのうた
Musical <Midnight Sun> A story about youngsters and their bright moments on the stage! The original musical “Midnight Sun” will come back on May 3, 2022. May 3 - June 26, 2022 MetaTheater (metatheater.live) | KEPCO Art Center #MidnightSun #태양의노래 #タイヨウのうた
Did everyone enjoy the Sitzprobe? We were so excited to welcome our first guests into @MetaTheaterLive! But remember, today was just a taste😎 Don't miss the chance to see Haram and Haena on stage! 🎟️OPEN: 4/26 10:00 KST at metatheater.live #태양의노래 #MidnightSun
🎉🎉2021 뮤지컬 #태양의노래 온라인 티켓이 드디어 오픈 하였습니다! 🎉🎉 관객분들이 이렇게 많이 찾아주실 줄 몰랐는데요? 뜨거운 반응에 감동...🙊💕 아직 티켓을 구매하지 않으셨다면, 서둘러주세요! 🎟티켓예매 : metatheater.live #태양의노래 #MidnightSun