o7 to this fall #ZALisLIVE #MedClips
📅First week operation schedule v2📅 【Hashtags】 ✦ General: #VezaliusBandage ✧ Live: #ZALisLIVE ✦ SFW Art: #zalillust - NSFW: #VezalustBondage ✧ Assets: #Vezsets - Thumbnails: #Vezuals ✦ Clips: #MedClips
🧻: just like you guys, grabbing your heart and making it mine 🧻: *can't grab it* seems like you guys' heart is pretty hard to get www #VezaliusBandage #MedClips
Thank you for coming at my debut 2.0.1, it was so much fun talking to you all! Also Shu-senpai did find our clip hashtag -> #MedClips Genius!! ✨