From tea shops to the top of palm trees, Burmese people are making their voices heard. “We don’t want military dictatorship.” #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May22Coup #LongLiveBurmesePeople
How sad does it look? Non-CDM teachers are being forced to clean the schools while police and soldiers are ‘instructing’ them how to clean and taking photos. This is what ‘military slavery education system’ looks like. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May22Coup
Hundreds of people marched today in Myaing township. Burmese villages and small towns are rallying while SAC is cracking down big cities. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May22Coup #LongLiveBurmesePeople
Mandalar university students marched today with anti-military dictatorship slogans. They are expressing support to @NUGMyanmar while showing solidarity with Kayah state which is being repressed by SAC. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May22Coup
How The #Myanmar Junta Brainwashes Soldiers. Defected junta officers expose the extent of brainwashing and control the junta has over soldiers. #WhatsHapppeningInMyanmar #May22Coup Subscribe⬇️