Anonymous is taking down junta websites & hitting other cyber infrastructure in retaliation to murders nationwide. We demand UN action & implementation of R2P (Responsibility to Protect) to avoid a larger massacre. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March3Coup twitter.com/AnonNews_Col/s…
Terror in North Okkalapa as junta-terrorists use machine guns and warplanes to 'disperse' unarmed protestors. The @UN, @UNPeacekeeping sit idle again. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance #Mar3Coup #March3Coup Subscribe! 👇 youtu.be/ohFSBs9Vmkg
わずか19歳の女性が射殺されました。他国なら勉強し楽しい生活を送っているのに、ミャンマーの若者は未来のために命を賭けて戦い、死んでいるのはどれほど悔しいことか。皆さんもこの問題について傍観すべきかを考えてみてほしいです。 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March3Coup #RejectMilitaryCoup
The video footage of Military forces are hitting volunteered medics and destroying ambulance cars in Myanmar, Yangon. JUNTAS ARE CLEARLY VIOLATING UNARMED CIVILIANS. #March3Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Tw//Death The terroists dragged the body which was shot by gun United Nations should listen to these voices😭😭😭 JUSTICE FOR MYANMAR @freya_cole @UN @MayWongCNA @RapporteurUn @drsasa_mm #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March3Coup