缅甸加油! မြန်မာကြိုးစားပါ! From Taiwan 🇹🇼🇲🇲 Thanks a lot, Taiwan 🙏 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar21Coup #MilkTeaAlliance #အရေးတော်ပုံအောင်ရမည်
Protests against the junta continue stronger than ever. Hundreds filled New York City's Times square to demand R2P for Myanmar. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands took to the streets despite the junta's extreme violence. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar21Coup youtube.com/watch?v=vmDIoE…
21.3.2021 Night strike at Hakkha City, Chin State Source: Irrawaddy News #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Mar21Coup
We are getting reports that there have been violent crackdowns in Mandalay tonight. Please give media attention to Mandalay. Reply this tweet if you have any photo/video related to Mandalay crackdown. #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Mar21Coup #WhatsHappeningInMandalay
Eleven Rakhine student groups have issued a statement saying they will stand with the people in the spring revolution to overthrow the military dictatorship. TOWARD FEDERAL UNION #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar21Coup
🚨軍政への抵抗を止めれば、世界はミャンマーの事を忘れ、軍政支配の暗黒の時代に戻ってしまう。自分たちが束の間の民主主義国家の中で夢みた未来の為に闘う。その姿勢は単なる軍政抵抗の民主化デモではない。人類が未だ嘗て見たことの無い軍事力と無防備な国民との紛争である。#Mar20Coup #Mar21Coup