Meet Nayak Sir from Odisha…he is training many heroes, who have gone on to serve our beloved Motherland. #MannKiBaat
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Hear LIVE. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
During the various #MannKiBaat episodes, we have showcased different aspects of women empowerment and highlighted the life journeys of inspiring women who have brought grassroot level changes. Here is a video that highlights how ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has celebrated our Nari Shakti….
You heard this month’s #MannKiBaat covering diverse topics like @Tokyo2020, overcoming vaccine hesitancy, working towards water conservation and more… There is an interesting Quiz based on today’s episode in the NaMo App which I urge you all to take part in.
आइए, ‘अमृत महोत्सव’ में अमृत संकल्प लें कि देश ही हमारी सबसे बड़ी आस्था और प्राथमिकता बना रहेगा। ‘Nation First, Always First’ के मंत्र के साथ हमें आगे बढ़ना है। #MannKiBaat
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Do tune in! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Talked about a commendable effort in Pulwama, which showcases human creativity and passion for a better tomorrow. #MannKiBaat
The largest vaccination drive in the world is taking place in India, contributing to the spirited fight against COVID-19. #MannKiBaat
Glad you took part in the #MannKiBaat quiz. twitter.com/irakeshbose/st…
During one of the #MannKiBaat episodes, had also highlighted the greatness of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts and what they teach us about self-reliance and learning.
2022's last #MannKiBaat will take place on the 25th of this month. I am eager to receive your inputs for the programme. I urge you to write on the NaMo App, MyGov or record your message on 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
पुरी के राहुल महाराणा जी और नासिक के चंद्रकिशोर जी दो ऐसे स्वच्छाग्रही हैं, जिन्होंने स्वच्छता को लेकर देशवासियों के सामने एक मिसाल पेश की है। #MannKiBaat
You would surely get inspired by these examples from Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, which reiterate the importance of Swachhata as well as ‘waste to wealth.’ #MannKiBaat
गतेषु वर्षेषु युवानः संस्कृतप्रचारे अग्रेसराः सन्ति। अगस्त २०२१ #MannKiBaat मध्ये अहम् एतादृशानां प्रयत्नानां प्रशंसां कृतवान्। आशासे यत् आगामिकाले अपि अस्माकं युवानः संस्कृते रुचिं दर्शयेयुः।
आत्मनिर्भरता की पहली शर्त है- अपने देश की चीजों पर गर्व होना। जब प्रत्येक देशवासी इससे जुड़ता है, तो ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’ सिर्फ एक आर्थिक अभियान न रहकर एक National Spirit बन जाता है। देशभर में ऐसे कई उदाहरण हैं, जहां लोग इस अभियान में अपना योगदान दे रहे हैं। #MannKiBaat
The entire nation is inspired by Swami Sivananda Ji. His life and exemplary work gives important lessons in health and fitness. #MannKiBaat
Bhagwan Birsa Munda taught us how to live in harmony with our surroundings and be proud of our culture. Inspired by him, we are working to fulfil his dreams and to empower our tribal communities. #MannKiBaat
During this month’s #MannKiBaat, we covered diverse topics ranging from India’s strides in space, collective efforts towards ‘waste to wealth’, accomplishments of our athletes and more. The NaMo App has a Quiz based on the episode. Do take part in it...
Snow sports and more…news from Jammu and Kashmir which will bring a smile on your face. #MannKiBaat
100 crore vaccinations is a very big number and behind this number are countless anecdotes of health workers going the extra mile to make the drive a success. During #MannKiBaat, I spoke to Poonam Nautiyal Ji from Uttarakhand who has vaccinated several people in remote areas.
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Do tune in. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Thiru Guruprasadh prepared an e-book that covers the various times Tamil Nadu has been mentioned during #MannKiBaat. I thank Thiru Guruprasadh for his effort.
मानसून जमीन के जलस्तर को सुधारने का एक अच्छा अवसर लेकर आता है। इस दिशा में की गई कुछ पहल देशवासियों के लिए एक मिसाल की तरह है। #MannKiBaat
Through #MannKiBaat we celebrate the extraordinary feats of grassroots level change-makers. Do you know of such inspiring life journeys? Share them for this month’s programme on the 24th. Write on MyGov, NaMo App or dial 1800-11-7800 to record a message. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
I once again invite young writers to harness their writing skills and bring back to life India’s glorious history as well the those who left an indelible mark in our freedom struggle. #MannKiBaat