Dear Detectives, are you ready for the Gamekeeper's Ability Adjustment? Get this costume, for a limited time only, in the next maintenance!😱 #IdentityV #GameKeeper #Maintenance
We have confirmed that users are unable to deposit NXD at MEXC at the moment. This is due to Polygon Chain maintenance and updates. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are doing our best to correct this issue to provide you with better service. #NXD #MEXC #Maintenance
現在、MEXCにてNXDの入金ができなくなっています。 これは、Polygon Chainのメンテナンスとアップデートのためです。 ご迷惑をおかけいたしておりますが、より良いサービスを提供できるよう、全力で修正いたします。 #NXD #MEXC #Maintenance