While internet is shut down in Iran, we publish some of the Islamic Republic’s atrocities towards protesters. Internet shutdown means oppression, imprisonment and massacre of Iranian people. Hear their voice! Shahr-e-Rey; Wednesday #Mahsa_Amini #IranProtests #مهسا_امینی
Protests across Iran after 22 year old #Mahsa_Amini was beaten to death by Iran's misogyny police, Hundreds have gathered for her burial despite police warning her family to hold the funeral without any ceremony. #مهسا_امینی theguardian.com/world/2022/sep… twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/…
The united people are invincible! مردم متحد شکست ناپذیرند! #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
We asked @elonmusk to ban (Khamenei_fa) and his officials on @Twitter but instead, they have been verified with a free grey tick! Twitter is banned in Iran, why should these guys even access to something that banned themselves? #NoToIslamicRepublic #Mahsa_Amini
این زن به تنهایی مقابل بیشرفان مقاومت میکند و سر خم نمیکند، او یک قهرمان واقعیست. زنان ایرانی پیروز خواهند شد. #Mahsa_Amini
زنان رهبری انقلاب مردمی ایران را بر عهده دارند مهسا_امینی Jin Jiyan Azadi #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی #زن_زندگی_آزادی
#BREAKING: Watch brave protesters in #Qom using Molotov cocktails to fight armed #Basij militias. #Iranian regime is using Imam Ali Brigades of Basij to brutally suppress protests across #Iran tonight. These Basijis are armed with AK-103 rifles. #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee1…
イラン。ヒジャブの被り方が悪い、という理由で道徳警察から殴られ、何日も昏睡状態にあった22歳のマフサ・アミニさんが死亡。彼女の葬儀後、大きな抗議デモが起こり、治安警察は銃や催涙ガスで人々を弾圧している。その一連の流れを伝えるスレッド↓。 #Mahsa_Amini twitter.com/b9ace/status/1…
Following the interruption and disruption of the internet by the Islamic Republic, the pharmacy systems have been disconnected and people cannot receive their electronic prescriptions using the tracking code. Another crime is happening by the Islamic Republic. #Mahsa_Amini
فيديو بيان بعنوان: مصرَع المَلك وأُمَراء آيةٌ كُبرى .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 22 - 07 - 2022 مـ youtu.be/4YeGWwF3Yvo #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #Mahsa_Amini #SaudiArabia #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests #OpIran المستشار الألماني محمد بن سلمان
هرکس از من کراهت دارد و بیزار است، قبرش را بکند... Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 13 - 11 - 2022 مـ ۲۲-آبان-۱۴۰۱ ه.ش. mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #بیزار_از_من_قبرش_را_بکند #مجیدرضا_رهنورد #الأرجنتين_كرواتيا #LetWhoHatesMeDighisGrave #Mahsa_Amini #Iran
この動画、削除される前に見といた方がいい。ヒジャブという布で髪を覆っていないという理由で殴打され、投獄されるイランの女性達。😱 これは2022年の現実。😰 #Mahsa_Amini さんは数日の昏睡の後に亡くなった。 twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/…